Design and Develop a Supermarket management system
There should be 2 types of user level: Administrator and Salesperson.
The inventory module should consist of the following fields :
- Product Number
- Product Name
- Product Type [Grocery/Dairy/Cosmetics]
- Price
- Quantity
The access is given to Administrator alone. An Administrator should be able to
Create, Modify and Delete products Search on Product Number/Product Name
The Sales module should consist of
- Date
- Product Number
- Product Name
- Quantity
- Price
- Total Cost
This module is accessible by Administrator and Salesperson.
The Administrator should be able to
->Create entries
->Modify entries
->Delete entries
The salesperson should be able to
->Create entries
->Modify entries
At the end of the day:-
->The sum of quantities of a particular product in the sales module should be tallied with the Inventory module and report should be generated on the current stock of products. ->The total cost in the sales module should be tallied with sum of the prices of individual products sold.
Project contributors:-
-> Shubhrima Jana (