This allows the user to get access to recalls and safety alerts from the Government of Canada.
Please note that this project is a WIP and is not affiliated with the Goverment of Canada.
- View recent recalls
- Bookmark recalls
- Filter recalls and safety alerts by categories
- Notifications about new recalls
- Notifications based on keywords
- Dark theme
- View details about a recall
- In-app language selection
- Paging
- Search recalls and safety alerts
- And more!
- Android Jetpack (Room, ViewModel, WorkManager, ...)
- Kotlin
- Kotlin Coroutines
- Glide
- Dagger2
- Moshi
- Retrofit
- Ktlint Gradle
- Android Debug Database
- Material Components
- Ktlint Gradle
- LeakCanary
- Toasty
- RecyclerView Animators
- UltraViewPager
This app uses resources from the Government of Canada. Documentation is available here.
Licence: Open Government Licence - Canada