Ensharp is a command line tool that can be used to convert images in common formats to other formats of varying dimensions.
You need node.js and npm. It's Recommended you install the package globally
$ npm install --global ensharp
git clone https://github.com/Somtozech/ensharp.git
cd ensharp
npm install # Local dependencies if you want to hack
npm install -g # Install globally
ensharp [options] [command]
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help display help for command
convert <input> <output> Convert an image from one format to another.
resize [options] <input> Resize image to a particular width or height or width x height
help [command] display help for command
ensharp help convert
Usage: ensharp convert [options] <input> <output>
Convert an image from one format to another.
-h, --help display help for command
ensharp help resize
Usage: ensharp resize [options] <input>
Resize image to a particular width or height or width x height
-w, --width <number> width of the resulting image in pixel
-h, --height <number> height of the resulting image in pixel
--sizes <widthxheight> Specify multiple sizes for resizing eg `720x360,480x360,1080x720`
--fit <type> how resulting image should fit provided dimension. one of `cover, fill, contain, inside, outside`
-pos,--position <type> Position of image when fit is `cover` or `contain` (default is center). one of `top,right top,
right,right bottom,bottom,left bottom,left,left top, center`
-bg, --background <color> Background color when fit is `cover` or `contain`. Accepts hex color codes, RGB and HSL values
--help display help for command
To convert a single image to a different format.
$ ensharp convert src/image.jpg output.png
This creates an image in png format in `src/converted/output.png`
$ ensharp convert image.jpg output.png
This creates an image in png format in `converted` folder in the current directory
You can also specify glob patterns for matching images
$ ensharp convert src/*.jpg *.png
This converts all the images with jpg format in `src/` to png formats found in `src/converted/`
Note: If any image has the same name with the output path, the image is overwritten.
Resize an image to another with width 1080 and height 720
$ ensharp resize src/input.jpg output.png -w 1080 -h 720
Resize an image to multiple sizes
$ ensharp resize src/input.jpg output.png --sizes="1080x720,720x640,640x360,360x200"
You can also specify glob patterns for matching images
$ ensharp resize src/*.jpg *.png -w 1080 -h 720
Resize all images with jpg format in `src/`
$ ensharp resize src/*.jpg *.png --sizes="1080x720,720x640,640x360,360x200"
Resize all images with jpg format in `src/` to multiple sizes specified
Note: Resize creates a resized folder inside the specified directory or in the current directory (when a directory is not specified)