My name is Theis aka. Slug-Boi and this is my profile, here you will find projects I have worked on whilst attending ITU as well as hobby/job projects.
- 🇩🇰 Currently an Undergraduate in Software Development at IT University of Copenhagen
- 👀 Looking to complete a Masters Degree in Computer Science
- ❤️ Technological Topics & Subjects I am currently invested in include ...
- DevOps
- Virtualization (🐳 Docker & ⚓ Kubernetes)
- Distrubuted Systems
- Algorithmic Analysis & problemsolving
- 💻 Favorite languages, I love things that go fast so Rust, C++, Go-lang or Python for fast development
- ⭐ Cool projects, checkout cocommit or my work on the Novo-Nordisk Decentralized Tech Radar, maybe even check out my time scheduling cli ⏰ based on algorithms aion-cli
- 💿 Current Distro adventures
- 🐧 Desktop is running a custom NixOS configuration which can be found in my dotfiles repository (Built on albe2669 NixOS dotfiles)
- 🍎 Laptop is running MacOS using Nix as the package and system manager