Releases: SkidderMC/FDPClient
Restarted FDP removed tons of completely useless and inappropriate code and stuff
Now FDP has configuration compatibility and follows liquidbounce not only legacy but also nextgen
Well, some developers were removed, so I ask you to be calm with reports of bugs/errors, I promise to deal with them, but I'm also human lol
Maybe you'll miss some things but know that everything with good feedback will be coming back soon! (like some clickgui)
- New Base
v5.6.1 RELEASE
FDP 5.6.1 Update is now available
In these two weeks FDP has received more updates than in previous months, here is a detailed list of everything that was done
- Added Vulcan Scaffold Disabler (Disable limit check)
- Added Minelatino mode in antistaff
- Added Verus NoWeb mode
- Added Silent Hitbox Rework
- Added KillAura Hit Delay
- Added Matrix Disabler
- Added memory fix for u computer (pls dont use it)
- Added Delayed Transaction Disabler
- Added randomize C15PacketClientSettings to AntiExploit to spoof render distance
- Added NoBreak to Aimbot and AimAssist
- Added Insult Custom Mesagge
- Added new capes in CapeManager
- Added Skeletal Module
- Added New Killaura blink block modes
- Added VerusReach allow to disable and customize C00PacketKeepAlive values
- Added new Vulcan Fly imported from Liquidbounce Legacy (credits to EclipseDev)
- Added InvalidUUID AntiBot (Imported from LiquidBounce , Credits to EclipseDev)
- Added Hypixel Blink Nofall void detection Added new BlocksMC critical mode
- Added new BlocksMC criticals mode
- Added Lag command
- Added credits and watermarks
- Added more InDev options + new website mode in Scoreboard element
- Added Eagle Legit Mode
- Added Silent mode to Legit Eagle
- Added Counter Modes to LegitScaffold
- Added LegitScaffold support in KillAura
- Added LegitScaffold Sprint Modes
- Added LegitReach support in LegitAura
- Added Flag check module (EclipseDev)
- Added new colors in gui theme
- Added Hud Improvements
- Added AvoidWazards Module
- Added new module category: Ghost (without icon because its a ghost 👻)
- Added FakeLag Module (Donate by shxp3 crosssine dev)
- Added Universal Antivoid Reset Motion
- Added New clickgui fonts
- Added SuperKB new modes (stap, stopmotion)
- Added Velocity now can select multiple modes (like disabler)
- Added Autoclicker Randomization and exaustion
- Added new FDP icon in taskbar and mainmenu
- Added Breaker new sort + Hypixel Bypass
- Added Tickbase test mode
- Moved jumpreset velo to individual module
Fixed and removed features
- Fixed the killaura values, it couldnt be modified if you wrote it in the chat
- Fixed the scaffold values, it couldnt be modified if you wrote it in the chat
- Fixed some bugs on Scaffold (Counter Modes and Mark)
- Fixed grammar
- Removed Rise6 Scaffold Counter display Mode
- Removed Dg636 skid things
- Removed LB+ ClickGUI completly
- Fixed all brokens draw heads in targethud
- Removed Vulcan2 LongJump mode (is patched) and normal vulcan works very good
- Semi-fix in default arraylist (performance problem)
- Removed unused modes in some modules (tf is Medusa Anticheat)
- Fixed some events
- Optimized code + fixes for flight
- Fixed Silent Hitbox FOV
- AutoTool is now AutoItem (spoof fixed)
This version received changes in its graphic section, delete the hud.json file to solve the performance problems in this version
v5.6.0 HOTFIX
Minor changes to modules and fix crash for most users (crash in performance module)
Fixed hotbar not working
v5.6.0 RELEASE
Design Updates:
- New main menu
- New clickgui
- New clean scoreboard
- New HUD style
Performance Updates:
- AutoPlay modes for Universocraft and Librecraft
- VerusCombat Disabler: Disables strafe checks and Reach checks in the latest versions of Verus and some versions of Sparky
- No Kick feature
- Fixed fonts null pointers
- Fixed borders targethud
- Fixed ViaFabric Plus compatibility
- Fixed client brand spoof
- F3 client spoof
- ClientBrandRetriever
- Updates in fonts manager
- Repacked some speed modes
Module Enhancements:
- New descriptions for some modules
- Added AACPort and customizable LatestVerusHop
- Added LatestVulcanNofall with NoDamage
- VerusReach disabler works in sololegends with VerusFixes + 1.17.1 = Reach 6.0, Instant Fastuse
- Killaura jumpfix
- Fake player module
- IRC Module
- LiquidBounce API integration
Bug Fixes:
- Gif cape crash
- Sneak issue
// Note: Splash Screen removed temporary.
And more
What's Changed
- Update GrimVelocity2.kt by @JunStock in #1064
- Bump org.projectlombok:lombok from 1.18.26 to 1.18.30 by @dependabot in #1068
- IntaveVelocity.kt bug fix #1066 by @DavidDavid1337 in #1067
- renamed not test by @NCPUser in #962
- Bump com.jhlabs:filters from 2.0.235 to 2.0.235-1 by @dependabot in #1069
- add new icon for windows and dock icon support for mac os users by @gatooooooo in #1081
- Funni pull reqeuest by @C00LC0D35 in #1096
- Bump org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm from 1.9.0 to 1.9.22 by @dependabot in #1105
- Update by @C00LC0D35 in #1108
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v5.5.0...v5.6.0
v5.5.0 RELEASE
New Modules
Optmization in transformers
Fixed several problems
Added ViaFabricPlus
Cleaned code and removed useless files
New Style
New Bypasses
New Discord Server
and much more..
If you made it this far, comment on this video:)
v5.3.5 RELEASE
skiddermc 6-11-23
[+] onClick option
[+] settings split into categories
[+] more rotation modes
[+] test & delayed2 autoblock
[*] range calculations fixed
[+] block & otherblock options
[+] vulcan autoblock disabler
[-] vulcan strafe disabler is patched
[+] grim velocity
[*] minemen velocity improved
[=] fixed glitch velocity
[*] hypixel hop improve
[+] legit speed cpu bypass
[+] ncp latest longjump
[+] kill esp
[+] keep sprint
[+] autoblock for autoclicker
[+] aimbot rotation modes
[*] client spoof improved
[*] instant steal option in chest stealer
[*] better superknockback
[+] ncp tower mode
[*] scaffold counters improve
[+] new scaffold rotations
[-] remove ncp speed modes
[+] better default values
[+] eagle options
[+] tickbase for killaura
[*] invmanager improved
[*] antivoid predictions improved
[*] glow-esp colors option
[+] infinite durability exploit module
[+] vape target hud
[*] cooldown bar smooth animation
[=] perspective mode cam pitch fix
[-] murderer-detector
[-] watchdog antivoid
Simplified code and better ClickGUIModule
Simplified code ArrayList
Built OutlineUtils
Change default options in modules
Fixed Reach module causing entity raycast issues
FreeCam disables now when world changes
Better Save System
Converted ClickGUIModule for Kotlin
Rewritten all @ModuleInfo annotations to constructors.
Removed ModuleInfo file.
Removed AntiTab Module.
Cleaned up number types in mixins.
removed unnecessary casts to (double)
Full Changelog: v5.3.0...v5.3.5
v5.3.0 RELEASE
skiddermc 3-31-23
[=] hypixel bypasses
+ old hypixel fireball fly
* updated hypixel gop
+ hypixel velo
+ hypixel flag nofall (old?)
[=] vulan bypasses
+ ground speed
+ spider
+ sprint disabler
+ antivoid
+ better vulcan damage fly
[=] better killaura
+ hit select
+ rotation delay
/ fix keepdirection
+ legit, delayed, oldintave autoblock
+ separating killaura options
[+] rewrite super knockback
[*] new bowjump mode
[*] better autoclick
[+] better velocity (cancel velo options, reverse velo options, minemen velo)
[*] backwards scaffold rotations fixed
[+] 3.3.12 fly readded
[*] unpatch blocksmc step
[*] airladder renamed to fast ladder
[/] aac bhops combined into one mode
[+] autorod
[+] BlinkUtils, better packet cache (less flag!)
[*] Fix Killaura Raycast / Range Calculate
[*] Fix Scaffold NPE
[*] Fix Disabler not working properly
[*] fix step timer not reseting
[*] fix sprint sending packets when not using
[+] onetap clickgui
[+] ChatEnhance
[+] Better JumpCircle
Full Changelog: v5.2.7...v5.3.0
Fix Killaura again
[=] Better JumpCircle
[+] ChatEnhance
[+] hypixel fireball fly
[=] fix sprint module bugs
[=] fix step not resetting timer
[-] disabled backtrack
[+] vulcan jesus
[+] ncplatest criticals
Fix Killaura still not working properly on v5.2.5
Fix TickEvent called multiple times in 1 tick
Someone skid a duplicated and totally useless Disabler, removed
v5.2.5 RELEASE
- [+] Disabler Mode:
- [+] VulcanStrafe
- [+] NoRotation
- [+] StrafeFix Module
- [+] Rewrite Sprint & Strafe Module
- [+] Convert NoClickDelay Module
- [+] BowAura Module
- [+] IllegalItems Module
- [+] Updated BackTrack Module
- [+] ViaVersionFix Module
- [=] Fix Killaura Options:
- [=] RayCast
- [=] Strafe
- [=] Target Selection
- [=] Fix GUI instead of AntiForge
- [=] Fix Teleport Position
- [=] Fix Speed Mode:
- VulcanHop
- Legit
- HypixelHop
- [=] Better Noslow Modules
- [=] Fix MovementUtils Strafe
- [=] Fix FallingPlayer Calculate
- [=] Fix Mixin issues
- [=] Fix Pojav Crash issues
- [=] Fixed sliders not using colored rect
- [+] Added custom client brand button
- [+] Added button for disabling resource pack fix
- [+] Added back icon
- [+] Added ServerSwticher Button GUI
- [+] New targethuds stitch and chill lite
- [+] New Bypasses
- [-] Remove Useless Bypasses / Mixins