This Python script generates signed headers (x-argus, x-gorgon, x-ladon, etc.) required for TikTok API requests and performs a follow action on a specified user.
- Dynamic Header Signing:
- Uses Gorgon, Argus, and Ladon to generate secure headers.
- Follow Action:
- Sends a follow request to a TikTok user using their user ID.
- Reusable Code:
- Modular functions for generating base parameters and signing headers.
- Python 3.7 or higher.
- Install the required modules:
- requests
- Gorgon, Argus, Ladon (ensure they are available in your Python environment).
- Update the following variables with your TikTok account details: `python cook = "sessionid=your_session_id" iid = "your_installation_id" did = "your_device_id" uid = "your_user_id" secuid = "your_sec_user_id"