Thanks to the amazing JustinFreitas some fixes are provided for the recent changes Smite Works did to how Themese are set-up. Make sure to shower him with praise!
My current work schedule doesn't allow me to allocate time to anything else and during the few hours of free time I'm too exhausted to actually work on the theme right now, please bear with me.
The Update is now live on the forge, in case you have used the Version posted my JustinFreitas in this thread, you don't need to delete it, it will get overwritten if you update though the forge.
Cheers Sir Motte
If your Theme's Version number goes down from 2.9.22 to 2.9.21, this is intended, as I don't jump numbers for the main branch releases (in case you used Justins Version)
Added Ruleset Support
Old School Essentials (brought to you by Justin Freitas)
Theme Changes:
Fixed new Graphics and broken stuff introdued with the recent Smiteworks Updates. (brought to you by Justin Freitas)
Maybe some minor adjustments that I have forgotten about by now.
Fantasy Grounds Forge (Recommended)
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