Tournament plugin for creating beach volleyball tournaments and letting wordpress user signup to the different tournaments
==== New in version ===
- {wp_prefix}results table was never built in previous version, fixed
- Classloader fixed to work on OS with other directory separators
==== New in version ===
- Improved view of tournaments list
==== New in version ===
- Changed array notation to support PHP 5.3
==== New in version ===
- fixed problems with signing up.
==== New in version 0.5.6 ===
- Added namespace and autoloading to fix problems related to autoloading and unix.
==== New in version 0.5.5 ===
- Added the ability to close a tournament for registration
- Tournament list is sorted by date, so that closed in time is first
==== New in version ===
- Added admin menu link from public tournament page.
- Added admin result link from admin tournament page
- Logged who added the team and when.
==== New in version ===
- After adding a team in admin pages, you stay on the same page.
- Fixed error message when adding a Tournament Responsible
- Fixed rankingpoints issue on player page
- Fixed bug that make you able to signed up alone
==== New in version 0.5.4 ===
- Creates Tournament Responsible for a tournament that you can have contact info and picture to. Separted from wp user accounts.
- Create a location for a tournament so that location is no longer a textfield.
- introduces so that editor can create and edit tournaments and results, but admin has access to all features.
- Tournament Managers (Editor's and Administrator's) can add teams and remove teams
- bugfixes...