Software suite to read data from a weather station with an ESP32 and send it via Wifi and MQTT to a python display. (Display not fyet functional.)
Upcoming features/changes: Version 1.1 - Addition of a functional settings page and SPIFFS/EEPROM storage to remove the need for full compile and upload on changes.
Changelog: Version 1.0 - The first fully functional version of the weather station. Supported sensors and peripherals - SparkFun weather meter kit (Windspeed, Wind direction, Rainfall) DS18B20 temperature sensor BME280 temperature/humidity/pressure sensor ML8511 UV sensor Photoresistor Adafruit DS1307 RTC module SSD1306 128x64 OLED screen Battery backup detection when used with a supporting ESP32 board
Features - Trasmits reading data via MQTT when connected to a WiFi network Creates a WiFi hotspot when no WiFi wetwork is found Hosts a webpage to display reading data