- #469 Fix Tcp provider configuration from the UI (@joabakk)
- #453 Update RPi installation guide (@MatsA)
- #471 Update canboatjs to the latest version 🚀 (@Greenkeeper[bot])
- #474 Update @signalk/set-system-time to the latest version 🚀 (@Greenkeeper[bot])
- #476 feature: plugin.statusMessage() (@tkurki)
- #477 Update @signalk/set-system-time to the latest version 🚀 (@Greenkeeper[bot])
- #475 chore: replace bcrypt with bcryptjs (@tkurki)
- #472 feature: add support to configure a canbus N2K source with canboajs using the admin ui (@sbender9)
- #482 fix(package): update file-timestamp-stream to version 0.3.0 (@tkurki)
- #483 chore(package): update node-fetch to version 2.1.1 (@tkurki)
- #465 Proper dockerfile with multi arch support (@tkurki)
- #470 Update ws to the latest version 🚀 (@Greenkeeper[bot])
- #484 fix: issue with some acl configurations (@sbender9)
- #463 feature: add support for put requests (@sbender9)