Config Files for my Linux install
I am not good at design, therefore a decent chunk is taken from Anchovyyy
Thank god for Catppuccin, maybe its overused but having a color palette without having to think of it myself does make life a lot easier. I have also of course modified stuff to make it work for me specifically
This repo includes configs for the following:
- Dunst - Notifications
- Cava - Audio Visualiser (Obviously more optional)
- Alacritty - My terminal of choice
- i3-gaps - Tiling Window Manager
- NeoVim - Editor, pretty much set up to be an IDE by my configs
- Picom - Compositor, used for the nice round corners and opacity on windows, especially based on focus. (This uses the yshui ver.)
- Polybar - Bar for top and bottom of desktop
- Rofi - Application Launcher, Power menu, Window Menu
Additional info:
- I use feh to set my wallpaper (which is from the catppuccin wallpaper repo)
- If you are using the Neovim config, Install Vim-Plug and then run :PlugInstall to install the plugins
- Install Oh-My-Zsh and Powerline10k to use my shell
- The polybar-scripts folder contains a script to get the current song on spotify
Rofi Hotkeys:
Mod+Shift+E: Power menu
Mod+Tab: Window menu
Mod+D: App Menu