Simple HTTP server for React Native
Since 0.5.0 supports and handles GET, POST, PUT and DELETE requests.
The library can be useful for handling requests with application/json
content type
(and this is the only content type we support at the current stage) and returning different responses.
Created for
npm install --save react-native-http-bridge
react-native link react-native-http-bridge
First import/require react-native-http-server:
var httpBridge = require('react-native-http-bridge');
Initalize the server in the componentWillMount
lifecycle method. You need to provide a port
and a callback.
componentWillMount() {
// initalize the server (now accessible via localhost:1234)
httpBridge.start(5561, function(request) {
// you can use request.url, request.type and request.postData here
if (request.type === "GET" && request.url.split("/")[1] === "users") {
httpBridge.respond(200, "application/json", "{\"message\": \"OK\"}");
} else {
httpBridge.respond(400, "application/json", "{\"message\": \"Bad Request\"}");
Finally, ensure that you disable the server when your component is being unmounted.
componentWillUnmount() {