This is a clone of, which is the one of the world's largest online ecommerce websites.
Live Link:
As the project's developer, I successfully completed the entire admin site and the backend site, implementing the following features:
- Product CRUD Operations: Implemented Create, Read, Update, and Delete functionalities for products.
- Pie Chart for Filtering: Added a Pie Chart for filtering products by category.
- User Filtration: Implemented user filtration based on specific age groups.
- MVC Pattern: Followed the Model-View-Controller pattern for structured development.
- JWT Token Authentication: Ensured security with JSON Web Tokens.
- Password Hashing: Implemented password hashing for enhanced security.
- Data Entity Relationships: Established data entity relationships for the product and address so user can add multiple addresses.
- User authentication, admin authentication.
- Dynamic Products.
- Filtering, Sorting, Search functionalities.
- Create, Read, Update, Delete fucntionalities.
- All the pages are responsive.
- JavaScript
- React
- Node.js
- JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
- Express.js
- MongoDB
- Redux
- Chakra UI
- Styled-Components
- Landing Page: /
- Products: /product
- Signup: /signup
- Login: /signin
- Cart: /cart
- Payment: /payment
- Admin: /adminlogin
├── >src
│ └── Components
│ └── images
│ └── Pages
│ └── Redux
│ └── Styling
Admin Login:-
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