The Password Checker provides functionality to check the strength and validity of passwords
ENUMS: - PasswordErrors • SHORT: Indicates that the password is too short. • NO_UPPER_CASE: Indicates that the password requires at least one uppercase letter. • NO_LOWER_CASE: Indicates that the password requires at least one lowercase letter. • NO_NUMBER: Indicates that the password requires at least one number.
I have created a file name with PasswordChecker.ts in my app directory src-->app--> pass_checker--> PasswordChecker.ts
I have break the validations into three iterations.
• Before we get into the iterations part we need to write little bit of coding for PasswordChecker class creation. export class PasswordChecker { public checkPassword(){ } }
We should write the above code in our ts file with this part of code we will write the test case to check the it should do nothing at this moment.
• Now lets start writing the code for test case validation in PasswordChecker.test.ts file
import { PasswordChecker,PasswordErrors } from "../../pass_checker/PasswordChecker";
describe('PasswordChecker test suite', ()=>{
let sut: PasswordChecker;
sut = new PasswordChecker();
it('should do nothing for the moment', ()=>{
In the above code I have imported PasswordChecker class from PasswordChecker.ts file.
The describe function is used to define a test suite with the name 'PasswordChecker test suite'.
Inside the test suite, a beforeEach function is defined to create a new instance of the PasswordChecker class before each test case.
This code defines a test case within the test suite using the it function. The test case has a description 'Should do nothing for the moment'. Inside the test case, the checkPassword method of the sut (System Under Test) instance is called.
• Now lets start writing code for our iteration 1. It consist of test cases
- Password with less than 8 chars is invalid.
- Password with greater than 8 chars is ok.
- Password with no uppercase letter is invalid.
- Password with uppercase letter is valid.
- Password with no lowercase letter is invalid.
- Password with lowercase letter is valid.
• For implementing this iteration we need to make some changes in our PasswordChecker.ts file
• Test cases for iteration 1:-
Test Case: Password with less than 8 chars is invalid Description: This test case checks whether a password with less than 8 characters is considered invalid. Expected behavior: The test expects the checkPassword method to return false when a password with less than 8 characters ('1234567') is provided.
Test Case: Password with more than 8 chars is ok Description: This test case checks whether a password with more than 8 characters is considered valid Expected behavior: The test expects the checkPassword method to return true when a password with more than 8 characters ('12345678Aa') is provided. Test Case: Password with no upper case letter is invalid Description: This test case checks whether a password without an uppercase letter is considered invalid. Expected behavior: The test expects the checkPassword method to return false when a password without an uppercase letter ('1234abcd') is provided.
Test Case: Password with upper case letter is valid Description: This test case checks whether a password with at least one uppercase letter is considered valid. Expected behavior: The test expects the checkPassword method to return true when a password with at least one uppercase letter ('1234abcdA') is provided.
Test Case: Password with no lower case letter is invalid Description: This test case checks whether a password without a lowercase letter is considered invalid. Expected behavior: The test expects the checkPassword method to return false when a password without a lowercase letter ('1234ABCD') is provided.
Test Case: Password with lower case letter is valid Description: This test case checks whether a password with at least one lowercase letter is considered valid. Expected behavior: The test expects the checkPassword method to return true when a password with at least one lowercase letter ('1234ABCDa') is provided..
• Test cases for iteration 2:-
• Same test cases with different approach. Before we write the test cases need to do some changes in PasswordChecker.ts file and as well as test file.
• Interface: CheckResult Description: The CheckResult interface represents the result of the password check operation.
valid (boolean): Indicates whether the password is valid (true) or not (false).
reasons (PasswordErrors[]): An array of PasswordErrors indicating the reasons for any failed checks.
Now we are going make changes in PasswordChecker.test.ts for approaching the same test cases in different way.
Test Case: Password with less than 8 chars is invalid
Description: This test case checks whether a password with less than 8 characters is considered invalid. Expected behavior: The test expects the checkPassword method to return valid as false and the reasons array to contain PasswordErrors.SHORT when a password with less than 8 characters is provided.
Test Case: Password with more than 8 chars is ok Description: This test case checks whether a password with more than 8 characters is considered valid. Expected behavior: The test expects the checkPassword method to return valid as true and the reasons array not to contain PasswordErrors.SHORT when a password with more than 8 characters is provided.
Test Case: Password with no upper case letter is invalid Description: This test case checks whether a password without an uppercase letter is considered invalid. Expected behavior: The test expects the checkPassword method to return valid as false and the reasons array to contain PasswordErrors.NO_UPPER_CASE when a password without an uppercase letter is provided.
Test Case: Password with upper case letter is valid Description: This test case checks whether a password with at least one uppercase letter is considered valid. Expected behavior: The test expects the checkPassword method not to include PasswordErrors.NO_UPPER_CASE in the reasons array when a password with at least one uppercase letter is provided.
Test Case: Password with no lower case letter is invalid Description: This test case checks whether a password without a lowercase letter is considered invalid. Expected behavior: The test expects the checkPassword method to include PasswordErrors.NO_LOWER_CASE in the reasons array when a password without a lowercase letter is provided.
Test Case: Password with lower case letter is valid Description: This test case checks whether a password with at least one lowercase letter is considered valid. Expected behavior: The test expects the checkPassword method not to include PasswordErrors.NO_LOWER_CASE in the reasons array when a password with at least one lowercase letter is provided.
Test Case: Complex password is valid Description: This test case checks whether a complex password with a combination of lowercase, uppercase, and numeric characters is considered valid.