- A very easy to use interface 😍
- Hangout with your distant friends and loved ones anytime 🤗
- Convey your thoughts and emotions using emoticons 😊
- Make your conversations engaging by sending pictures and GIFs 🙃
- Get notified whenever you receive a message 🧐
- Personalize your account by setting your profile picture 😉
- Allow your loved ones to identify you are available or not by setting an activity status 🤗
- Install NodeJS
- Install Yarn
- To install Yarn: Open CMD and run: npm install --global yarn
- Install VueJS
- To install VueJS: Open CMD and run: npm install -g @vue/cli
- After you are done with the Installation use these steps to run this application:
- git clone https://github.com/Shinwi/onlineChatWebApp
- cd onlineChatWebApp
- yarn install
- cd client
- yarn install
- yarn start
- yarn --cwd .\client serve