This is an EventBus which refered the ApplicationContext.publish(message)
, which is used to publish an Event in Java Spring
Normally, EventHandler should be coupled with the Event directly, which is not a good pratice for multi-solution application. This lib provides another different use-case of the Event-Listener parttern: you can separate your EventHandler and Event into different solution or project, and the EventBus can dispatch the event to the corresponding EventHandlers.
What is a correspocorresponding EventHandler?
Suppose you have an event named BaseEvent
There is no doubt an EventHandler like the following code can be invoked by the EventBus
public class BaseHandler: IEventListener<BaseEvent>
Further for, if you have another Event which is an extend of BaseEvent
, take the following code as an example:
public class FooEvent: BaseEvent
It is not only a FooEvent
, but also a BaseEvent
, so the EventListener above can handle it as well.
This is the characteristic of this library
You can install it via nuget
- Reface.EventBus is working based on .NetFramework
- Reface.Core.EventBus is working based on .NetCore
- Nothing
- Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
Define a New Event
/// <summary>
/// This Event will be publish after the console started
/// </summary>
public class ConsoleStarted : Reface.EventBus.Event
public ConsoleStarted(object source) : base(source)
Console.WriteLine("Console Started");
Publish Event
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Create an instance of EventBus
IEventBus eventBus = new DefaultEventBus();
// Publish the message
eventBus.Publish(new ConsoleStarted());
And class who implements the interface IEventListener<TEvent>
would be an event listener.
using ConsoleApp1.Events;
using Reface.EventBus;
namespace ConsoleApp1.Listeners
public class OnConsoleStarted : IEventListener<ConsoleStarted>
public void Handle(ConsoleStarted @event)
Console.WriteLine("Console Started");
In order to decouple the code, You can register the Listener in the config file
Register listener in web.config / app.config
- add section
- add listener
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<section name="eventBus" type="Reface.EventBus.Configuration.EventBusSection, Reface.EventBus"/>
<add type="ConsoleApp1.Listeners.OnConsoleStarted, ConsoleApp1" />
除了通过 config 文件的方法,我们还提供了其它方法来注册监听者。
只要实现了 Reface.EventBus.IEventListenerFinder 并在构造 DefaultEventBus 时作为参数传入,便可以订制的方式注册监听者。 目前自带的注册方式有:
- Reface.EventBus.EventListenerFinders.ConfigurationEventListenerFinder 通过 config 文件来注册
- Reface.EventBus.EventListenerFinders.AssembliesEventListenerFinder 通过注册程序集,并返反射其中的类型来得到所有实现了 Reface.EventBus.IEventListenerFinder 的成员
- Reface.EventBus.EventListenerFinders.DefaultEventListenerFinder 通过编码的方式注册监听者
向 IEventListener 的实现类再添加 IPrioritized 接口,并实现 Priority 属性,便可以指定执行的顺序。
- Priority 的值越小,越先执行
- 未实现 IPrioritized 的 IEventListener 认为 Priority = 0
与 IOC/DI 组件的集成,可以免去对监听者一一注册的过程。 在 .NetCore 中,通过为 ServiceCollection 注册必要组件和按程序集注册监听器,可以实现这些功能:
var provider = new ServiceCollection()
.AddEventBus() // 添加 EventBus 功能
IEventBus eventBus = provider.GetService<IEventBus>();
eventBus.Publish(new TestEvent());