- CAN'T change signature.
- CAN'T make accessibility level from non-public to public
- 1.XmasChecker
- for dependency can't control
- to learn how to deal with DateTime type
- 2.RsaSecureToken
- learn loose dependency by Interface
- introduce stub/mock framework (NSubstitute)
- DI / IoC
- 3.IsolatedByInheritanceAndOverride
- isolated by inheritance and virtual keyword
- mock object to verify
- 4.BaseClassCoupling
- isolated static dependency
- inheritance override
- property injection
- 5.AssertionSamples
- compare object by properties
- partial compare
- verify Exceptions
- 6.ServerApiDependency (sum up challenge)
- remove static dependency
- knowing inheritance and override to loose coupling
- mock object for Assersion
- verify Exceptions by FluentAssertion
- 透過 target 的 constructor 傳入 interface/abstract 的 instance (DI auto-wiring)
- 透過 target 的 public property 傳入 (DI auto-wiring)
- target 方法的參數 (常看到傳入的參數型別為 interface的那種情況)
- target 將欲 stub 的方法擷取成 protected virtual 方法,使用 繼承 + override 的方式來測試原始target class