Proficient in HTML, CSS, Tailwind, React, Express, and MongoDB for web development.
User can create his/her own account or log in with google. This is controlled by firebase authentication system.
There are three types of dashboard - admin, agent, and normal users
- From admin dashboard admin can verify properties requested by agent.
- From manage users option in dashboard admin can make an user admin or agent. admin can mark an agent as a fraud, then that agent can't add any property and his previously added properties will be removed from whole website. Admin is also allowed here to remove any user from database.
- From dashboard admin can manage reviews also which are put by users. he/she can delete any review from database and that review cannot be found in any page of this website.
- From agent dashboard there is a route from where he/she can add a property which he/she wants to sell.
- Agent can see all of his/her added property from my added property route.
- from my added property page he/she is able to delete any of his/her added property, also can update any property (which is verified by admin).
- In requested property agent is able to see all requests for his/her added property. From there he/she can accept/reject that offer.
After clicking on any details button on property card user will found a button called 'Add to wishlist'. Then user will get all of his wishlists in his/her dashboard. From there he/she can make an offer for that property and also can remove any property from wishlist.
There is another route which is My bought property. From this, user can see the status of that property, if it is accepted or pending or rejected. If agent accept the offer for a property there will be a 'Pay' button on that property card. Otherwise there will be no 'pay option'
Users are allowed to add review on any property. Below property details page there is a section where all reviews on that property can be found. Users also can see his/her reviews in my reviews route from there he/she can delete his review also.
- In home page there is a section of latest reviews (3).
- There is an advertisement section. These advertised properties are selected to be advertised by admin. Admin can also remove any advertise anytime from his dashboard.
User can create his/her own account or log in with google. This is controlled by firebase authentication system.
In homepage Jobs are categorized and there is a bid now button for every job and it will redirect user to job details page
in Job details page there is a form to bid on that job.
People can post job from add job section. Then he/she is able to see all his/her posted job in 'My posted jobs' section.
From 'Bid Requests' page he/she can see all the bids on his posted jobs. There he/she can accept or reject the bid and status will be changed. If he/she accept the bid then there will be a progress bar. And bidder will get a button on that job called 'complete'. And status of that job will be in progress until the bidder click the complete button.
user can see all of his bids in 'My bids' section.
User can create his/her own account or log in with google. This is controlled by firebase authentication system.
In homepage there are some brand logo and name. If user click on them he/she can see all the products of that brand.
In that page there will be two options for user, he can update that product info by clicking on update button, or he/she can explore that product by clicking on details button.
In details button user has an option to add that product to his cart by clicking on 'Add to cart' button.
On nav-bar there is an option to see user's cart which is "My cart", by clicking on that he/she can check his cart out. There is a button for every product on cart which is "Delete" button. So, user can easily delete a product from cart by clicking on this button
User can add a new product from "Add Product" section on nav-bar
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Next JS
- 💬 Ask me about anything
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
- 😄 Pronouns: he/him
- ⚡ Fun fact: Love to play DOTA 2