A .NET library to interact with the Brawlhalla API.
Brawlhalla.Net is available from NuGet.
Alternatively, you can install directly with Install-Package Brawlhalla.NET
Brawlhalla.Net targets netstandard1.4
, some examples of supported frameworks include:
.NET Core 1.1 .NET Framework 4.6.1+
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Collections.Generic;
// Import necessary usings
using BrawlhallaNet;
using BrawlhallaNet.Responses;
class Program
// We need to create an async context in our main method
public static void Main(string[] args) => MainAsync(args).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
public static async Task MainAsync(string[] args)
var client = new BrawlhallaApiClient("API_KEY"); // Initialize our client, replace API_KEY with your api key
// Configure our client's log feature
client.Log += (sender, event) =>
// Now we can start to make requests
List<RankedPagePlayer> topPlayers = await client.GetRankedPageAsync("1v1", "all", 1);
foreach (RankedPagePlayer player in topPlayers)
Console.WriteLine($"[{player.Rank}] {player.Name} ({player.ID}): {player.Elo}"); // Example output: [12] Boomie (257670): 2025
Clan bmg = await client.GetClanAsync(1);
Console.WriteLine($"{bmg.Name} ({bmg.ClanCreationDate}): {bmg.Members.Count}"); // Blue Mammoth Games (5/25/2016 8:00:00 PM +00:00): 16
var testPlayer = await client.GetRankedPlayerAsync(2);
Console.WriteLine($"{testPlayer.Name} ({testPlayer.BrawlhallaId}): {testPlayer.Wins}/{testPlayer.Games}"); // [BMG] Dan (2): 2/2
await Task.Delay(-1); // Pause our program until the user exits
pls help
- Beta release 🎉
- Open issue with bugs
- Open issue with planned features
- Push to NuGet 🎉
- Start tests 🎉
- Xml comments for every method
Listed in order of how frequently I check them
Discord: Stereotypical Weeaboo#9990 (118971536395730946)
Reddit: /u/CallMeSometimeNever
Email: [email protected]