A clipboard application for Windows providing a short usable history of copied texts of your clipboard.
This software doesn't need to be installed. Put the TextEimer.exe into your preffered directory and start it. After starting TextEimer, a bucket icon is shown in the tray. With a right click on the icon a contextmenu opens with elements for options and exiting TextEimer. After selecting text and copying it (Ctrl + c), the content of the clipboard is also available in the TextEimer contextmenu. By clicking or pressing enter after you selected a clipboard item in contextmenu, the selected content is pasted to the cursor position of rhe window which had the focus before opening the contextmenu of TextEimer.
After starting TextEimer you can use the following hotkeys:
Win + v
Opens the contextmenu of TextEimer next to your mouse cursor.
Shift + Enter
After selecting one of the items from contextmenu this hotkey puts the selected text into
clipboard without pasting it. This can be usefull in Windows CMD, where copy-paste is not
executed with Ctrl + c.
deletes a selected item in contextmenu (in case you copied a password)