- Domain owner needs approve ens to seaport first, then to list
- Construct the list info array, and let domain owner sign signature on the digest of the list info array. Construct final data contains list info and signature
- If one wants to make an offer using Weth, he/she needs to approve weth to seaport
- Construct the list info array, and let offer maker sign signature on the digest of the offer info array. Construct final data contains offer info and signature
- If one wants to cancel the previously listed domain, he/she needs to cancel the order. Call seaport cancel function passing order components
npm install
- Set
- Needs rpc and two wallet private keys. (one as seller one as buyer)
npx hardhat run scripts/trade/approveEnsToSeaport.ts --network goerli
npx hardhat run scripts/trade/approveWethToSeaport.ts --network goerli
npx hardhat run scripts/trade/list.ts --network goerli
npx hardhat run scripts/trade/makeOffer.ts --network goerli
npx hardhat run scripts/trade/cancel.ts --network goerli