Dating site for singles that live or grew up in Florida, from the Yiddish for Matchmaker.
A very rough version of the site is live. If you'd like to contribute by testing and submitting issues, please visit: Florida Jewish Match (please bear with the slowness, it's on the azure free plan so time-to-first-byte is sloooow).
In the Jewish Orthdox world, dating happens a little differently. If we're frank, the orthdox Jew doesn't look for a spouse. There's a whole network that helps with that. Critical to that network is the matchmaker, the shodchan. In the world of the matchmaker, information is everything. Knowning who is single and the vitals on this person are how matches are made.
Several major cities have databases that keep a current list of singles. Florida does not. Our site hopes to remedy that.
The front is a clean JS implementation using Backbone.Marionette. Backbone.Stickit is used for 2-way binding and Backbone.Validation for model validation. Teh backend is .NET C#, basically a Web API v2 implementation. Authentication is done using .NET Identity 2.0.
The first phase is about getting the app out to the singles and populating the database. That phase is ready to go live.
The sexond phase consists of creating an administration site for the matchmakers. This will consists of a database search feature, a message feature to contact singles, the ability to edit certain single information and a backend service that will suggest matches to registered matchmakers.