Justin Gomez, Sebastian Fernandez, Gabriella Munger
This project simulates a Network Denial of Service through a method of a TCP SYN flood attack. The program simulates the attack by the flood.go acting as the adversary performing the TCP SYN flood attack. The file flood.go asks a user to input the amount of clients to send to the server as well as the amount of GOMAXPROCS() to utilize on the "client" end. The server, server.go, asks the user for the amount of GOMAXPROCS() to utilize on the server end, and then starts running the server. Once the server is running, it will run until receiving an EOF interrupt command (i.e. "CRTL-C") or when an abundance of clients can succesfully trigger the server fail.
The input will ask the user to specify the amount of GOMAXPROCS() to use
The output will reflect the amount of clients that have connected to the server and the time each client connected since the start of the server running.
The input will consist of the amount of clients to send to the target server as well as the amount of GOMAXPROCS() to utilize when running.
currently there is no output
git clone https://github.com/justinG31/TCPserver.git
go run server.go
go run flood.go