A peer-to-peer file transfer system. User has the ability to register a file to a server, which stores the filename, IP address, and port number of the client. Another client can contact the server to learn the IP address of a client associated to a filename, and immediately download it from the other client. Created for my Computer Networks class.
Running this file will start the server which hosts the IP address, filename, and port information of the clients who upload folds.
The two clients are functionally the same, however are located in two seperate folders. Each must be instantiated from their own seperate folders.
The following will appear on the terminal. Type in 1 to upload a file. Client 1 is able to register "MobyDick.txt" and "Reluctance.txt" Client 2 is able to register "alice.txt" and "wordSmall.txt"
On the opposite client from which you uploaded the file, search for a file in the directory by typing in 2. The following will appear on the terminal.
Search for the file you previously registered. After pressing "enter" the file will appear in the folder containing the respective downloaded client.