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Simple decimal floating point
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ScottPJones committed Feb 25, 2019
1 parent d557455 commit 0f806d4
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Showing 6 changed files with 612 additions and 0 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions .travis.yml
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@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
## Documentation:
language: julia
- linux
- osx
- 1.0
- 1.1
- nightly
email: false
depth: 99999999

## uncomment the following lines to allow failures on nightly julia
## (tests will run but not make your overall status red)
- julia: nightly

## uncomment and modify the following lines to manually install system packages
# apt: # apt-get for linux
# packages:
# - gfortran
#before_script: # homebrew for mac
# - if [ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME = osx ]; then brew install gcc; fi

## uncomment the following lines to override the default test script

# push coverage results to Coveralls & Codecov
- julia -e 'using Pkg; cd(Pkg.dir("Decs")); Pkg.add("Coverage"); using Coverage; Coveralls.submit(Coveralls.process_folder()); Codecov.submit(Codecov.process_folder())'
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
name = "Decs"
desc = "Simple arbitrary precision decimal floating point"
uuid = "27b11802-3905-11e9-3b1d-e1305f76eaae"
authors = ["ScottPJones <[email protected]>"]
keywords = ["Decimal", "Floating Point"]
license = "MIT"

Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"
BenchmarkTools = "6e4b80f9-dd63-53aa-95a3-0cdb28fa8baf"

test = ["Test", "BenchmarkTools"]
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions appveyor.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
- julia_version: 1.0
- julia_version: 1.1
- julia_version: latest

- x86 # 32-bit
- x64 # 64-bit

## uncomment the following lines to allow failures on nightly julia
## (tests will run but not make your overall status red)
- julia_version: latest

- master
- /release-.*/

- provider: Email
on_build_success: false
on_build_failure: false
on_build_status_changed: false

- ps: iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(""))

- echo "%JL_BUILD_SCRIPT%"
- C:\julia\bin\julia -e "%JL_BUILD_SCRIPT%"

- echo "%JL_TEST_SCRIPT%"
- C:\julia\bin\julia -e "%JL_TEST_SCRIPT%"
279 changes: 279 additions & 0 deletions src/Decs.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
Decs package
Copyright 2019 Gandalf Software, Inc., Scott P. Jones
Licensed under MIT License, see
Originally based/inspired by Decimals.jl (by [email protected] (Jack Peterson), 7/3/2014)
module Decs

macro dec_str(s, flags...) parse(Dec, s) end

import Base: ==, +, -, *, /, <, float, inv, round

export Dec, dec, @dec_str, number, normalize

const DIGITS = 20

const DFP_MARKER = BigInt(0)

struct Dec <: AbstractFloat
sgn::Bool # true = negative
pow::Int32 # power of 10
val::BigInt # value

Dec(val::Integer, scl) = Dec(val < 0, scl, abs(val))

const dectab = Vector{BigInt}(undef, 38)

function __init__()
for p = 1:38; dectab[p] = BigInt(10)^p; end

# Primitives to help make these functions more generic later on

const IntDec = Union{Integer, Dec}

_getsign(x::Dec) = x.sgn
_getsign(x::Unsigned) = false
_getsign(x::Integer) = x < 0

_getcoeff(x::Dec) = x.val
_getcoeff(x::Integer) = BigInt(abs(x))

_getint(x::Dec) = x.val
_getint(x::Integer) = abs(x)

_getscale(x::Dec) = x.pow
_getscale(x::Integer) = 0

_scale(x, d) = _getcoeff(x) * (d > length(dectab) ? BigInt(10)^d : dectab[d])

_eq(x::IntDec, y::IntDec) = _getint(x) == _getint(y)

_lt(x::IntDec, y::IntDec) = _getint(x) < _getint(y)

# Promotion rules
Base.promote_rule(::Type{Dec}, ::Type{<:Real}) = Dec

# override definitions in Base
Base.promote_rule(::Type{BigFloat}, ::Type{Dec}) = Dec
Base.promote_rule(::Type{BigInt}, ::Type{Dec}) = Dec

# Addition
function +(x::Dec, y::IntDec)
# Quickly deal with zero case, so as not to worry about -0.0 cases
iszero(x) && return y
iszero(y) && return x
# Make both the same scale
xscl = _getscale(x)
yscl = _getscale(y)
dscl = xscl - yscl
if dscl == 0
xval = _getcoeff(x)
yval = _getcoeff(y)
xval, yval = dscl < 0 ? (_getint(x), _scale(y, -dscl)) : (_scale(x, dscl), _getint(y))
abs(xscl) < abs(yscl) && (xscl = yscl)
# Simple case where signs are the same
(xsgn = _getsign(x)) == _getsign(y) && return Dec(xsgn, xscl, xval + yval)
# Signs are different, we need to subtract, possibly change sign
(diff = xval - yval) < 0 ? Dec(!xsgn, xscl, -diff) : Dec(xsgn, xscl, diff)
+(x::Integer, y::Dec) = y + x

# Negation
-(x::Dec) = Dec(!x.sgn, x.pow, x.val)

# Subtraction
-(x::Dec, y::IntDec) = x + -y
-(x::Integer, y::Dec) = -x + y

# Multiplication
*(x::Dec, y::IntDec) =
Dec(xor(_getsign(x), _getsign(y)), _getscale(x) + _getscale(y), _getint(x) * _getint(y))
*(x::Integer, y::Dec) = y * x

# Inversion
function Base.inv(x::Dec)
str = string(x)
if str[1] == '-'
str = str[2:end]
b = ('.' in str) ? length(split(str, '.')[1]) : 0
c = round(BigInt(10)^(-x.pow + DIGITS) / x.val)
q = (x.pow < 0) ? 1 - b - DIGITS : -b - DIGITS
normalize(Dec(x.sgn, q, c))

# Division
/(x::Dec, y::Dec) = x * inv(y)

# TODO exponentiation

# Convert a string to a decimal, e.g. "0.01" -> Dec(0, -2, 1)
function Base.parse(::Type{Dec}, str::AbstractString)
'e' in str && return parse(Dec, scinote(str))
c, q = parameters(('.' in str) ? split(str, '.') : str)
Dec((str[1] == '-') ? 1 : 0, q, c)

dec(str::AbstractString) = parse(Dec, str)

# Convert a number to a decimal
Dec(num::Real) = parse(Dec, string(num))
Base.convert(::Type{Dec}, num::Real) = Dec(num::Real)
dec(x::Real) = Dec(x)
Dec(x::Dec) = x

# Get Dec constructor parameters from string
parameters(x::AbstractString) = (abs(parse(BigInt, x)), 0)

# Get Dec constructor parameters from array
function parameters(x::Array)
c = parse(BigInt, join(x))
(abs(c), -length(x[2]))

const strzeros = repeat('0', 256)

function outzeros(io::IO, cnt::Integer)
for i = 1:(cnt>>8)
print(io, strzeros)
print(io, strzeros[1:(cnt&255)])

# Get decimal() argument from scientific notation
function scinote(str::AbstractString)
s = (str[1] == '-') ? "-" : ""
n, expo = split(str, 'e')
n = split(n, '.')
if s == "-"
n[1] = n[1][2:end]
if parse(Int64, expo) > 0
shift = parse(Int64, expo) - ((length(n) == 2) ? length(n[2]) : 0)
s * join(n) * repeat("0", shift)
shift = -parse(Int64, expo) - ((length(n) == 2) ? length(n[1]) : length(n))
s * "0." * repeat("0", shift) * join(n)

# Convert a decimal to a string
function Base.print(io::IO, x::Dec)
x.sgn && print(io, '-')
if x.pow < 0
c = string(x.val)
shift = x.pow + length(c)
if shift > 0
print(io, c[1:shift], '.', c[(shift+1):end])
print(io, "0.")
outzeros(io, -shift)
print(io, c)
print(io, x.val)
x.pow > 0 && outzeros(io, x.pow)

# Zero/one value{Dec}) = Dec(0, 0, 0){Dec}) = Dec(0, 0, 1)

# convert a decimal to any subtype of Real
(::Type{T})(x::Dec) where {T<:Real} = parse(T, string(x))

# Convert a decimal to an integer if possible, a float if not
function number(x::Dec)
ix = (str = string(x) ; fx = parse(Float64, str); round(Int64, fx))
(ix == fx) ? ix : fx

# sign
Base.signbit(x::Dec) = x.sgn

# Equality

Base.iszero(x::Dec) = iszero(x.val)

# equals() now depends on == instead of the other way round.

function ==(x::Dec, y::IntDec)
# Check if both are zero, regardless of sign
iszero(x) && return iszero(y)
iszero(y) && return false
# Make sure signs are the same
_getsign(x) == _getsign(y) || return false
# If scales are the same, don't bother to equalize the scales
(d = _getscale(x) - _getscale(y)) == 0 && return _eq(x, y)
# Find out how much we need to multiply by to equalize the scales
# Note: further optimization would use tables to see if the size (in limbs, or bits) of the two operands
# could possibly be ==, without even doing the (somewhat expensive) scaling operation.
d < 0 ? _eq(x, _scale(y, -d)) : _eq(_scale(x, d), y)

==(x::Integer, y::Dec) = y == x

function <(x::Dec, y::IntDec)
# Check for both zeros, regardless of sign
iszero(x) && return ifelse(iszero(y), false, !_getsign(y))
iszero(y) && return _getsign(x)
# Check signs
xsgn = _getsign(x)
ysgn = _getsign(y)
xsgn == ysgn || return xsgn
# If scales are the same, don't bother to equalize the scales
(dscl = _getscale(x) - _getscale(y)) == 0 && return xor(_lt(x, y), ysgn)
# Find out how much we need to multiply by to equalize the scales
# Note: further optimization would use tables to see if the size (in limbs, or bits) of the two operands
# are such that one is definitely larger than the other, without even doing the (somewhat expensive) scaling operation.
xor(dscl < 0 ? _lt(x, _scale(y, -dscl)) : _lt(_scale(x, dscl), y), ysgn)

function <(x::Integer, y::Dec)
# Check for both zeros, regardless of sign
iszero(x) && return ifelse(iszero(y), false, !_getsign(y))
iszero(y) && return _getsign(x)
# Check signs
xsgn = _getsign(x)
ysgn = _getsign(y)
xsgn == ysgn || return xsgn
# If scales are the same, don't bother to equalize the scales
xor((dscl = _getscale(y)) == 0 ? _lt(x, y) :
(dscl < 0 ? _lt(_scale(x, -dscl), y) : _lt(x, _scale(y, dscl))), ysgn)

# Rounding
function round(x::Dec; digits::Int=0, normal::Bool=false)
shift = BigInt(digits) + x.pow
if !(shift > BigInt(0) || shift < x.pow)
c = Base.round(x.val / BigInt(10)^(-shift))
x = Dec(x.sgn, x.pow - shift, BigInt(c))
normal ? x : normalize(x, rounded=true)

# Normalization: remove trailing zeros in coefficient
function normalize(x::Dec; rounded::Bool=false)
# Note: this is very inefficient
# First, one can count the trailing zero bits, and that will give an indication
# of the maximum 0 digits (because 10 is 5*2)
p = 0
if x.val != 0
while x.val % BigInt(10)^(p+1) == 0
p += 1
c, r = divrem(x.val, BigInt(10)^p)
q = (c == 0 && !x.sgn) ? 0 : x.pow + p
v = Dec(x.sgn, q, abs(c))
rounded ? v : round(v, digits=DIGITS, normal=true)

end # Decs

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