Provides authentication to Plug applications by integrating with Ory Kratos.
Read the docs at
KratosPlug is a composable library for extracting session identifiers from the request, and exchanging them for a kratos session. KratosPlug also provides functions like KratosPlug.session_valid?/1
for working with sessions. This is not an official Ory Corp project.
Ory Kratos is the developer-friendly, security-hardened and battle-tested Identity, User Management and Authentication system for the Cloud. Finally, it is no longer necessary to implement User Login for the umpteenth time!
forwards request data from the conn to the kratos API. The session returned by kratos is added to the conn. This plug will not halt for any reason.KratosPlug.Plugs.EnsureAuthenticated
checks the conn for a kratos session and halts when missing or invalid.KratosPlug.Plugs.KratosNativePipeline
executes bothKratosSession
and passes along configuration options unchanged.
# mix.exs
defp deps do
[{:kratos_plug, "~>0.1"}]
# router.ex
defmodule MyRouter do
use Plug.Router
plug KratosPlug.Plugs.KratosNativePipeline, [{:kratos_base_url, "http://localhost:4433"}]
plug :match
plug :dispatch
get "/hello" do
send_resp(conn, 200, "world")
forward "/users", to: UsersRouter
match _ do
send_resp(conn, 404, "oops")
describes the available plug configuration options. Runtime configuration is supported by providing an anonymous function as the configuration value.
It is not ready for production use. The library has had only preliminary testing, but so far it has been successful.
Ory proxy and JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are unsupported.
API documentation can be found at
This project uses semantic versioning 2.0.0.
- MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes
- MINOR version when you add functionality in a backward compatible manner
- PATCH version when you make backward compatible bug fixes
Copyright (c) 2023 ScoreVision, LLC
Released under the MIT License. See