This code is used to build a model based on ResNet-18 (no. of layers of ResNet can be changed based on system computational capacity) for Object Localization in images. Given an input image the code gives a bounding box around the object in image and coordinates of the bounding box.
- In ./dataset/images directory, input images are stored.
- In ./dataset/prediction directory, predicted output(images with bounding boxes) are stored.
- Coordinate of bounding boxes are stored in results.csv.
- training_set.csv has the training set images with bounding box coordinates. Bounding box coordinates are: x1 is min x coordinate , y1 is min y coordinate, x2 is max x coordinate and y2 is max y coordinate.
To Run- - For training: run to generate id_to_box & id_to_size. Then run ./
- Pre-trained weights can be downloaded from:
- For Testing: To test on trained model: python
-python 3.6
-tensorflow 1.3.0
Neural Network Details:
ResNet-18 is used with an additional 4 dimensional layer after it.
Loss: smooth l1 loss
Metric: IoU of groound truth and prediction, threshold=0.75
Data Augmentation:
- Resize all images to (224, 224, 3). Here, orginal image is (480, 640,3).
- Normalize and standardize all pixel channel.
- The training images were Horizontally fliped, resulting an image set twice as larger as the original one.