Welcome to the Snake Water Gun Game! This is a simple and fun game you can play against the computer. The game is similar to "Rock Paper Scissors" but with a twist. You get to choose between Snake, Water, and Gun. The rules are as follows:
Snake drinks Water, so Snake wins against Water. Water douses Gun, so Water wins against Gun. Gun shoots Snake, so Gun wins against Snake. If both you and the computer choose the same item, it's a tie.
How to Play Step-by-Step Instructions Run the Code: Execute the script in a Python environment. Choose Your Move: When prompted, input your choice: s for Snake w for Water g for Gun Game Mechanics: The computer will randomly choose one of the three options. The winner for each round will be displayed along with the scores. The game will continue for a predefined number of chances (default is 5). Game Over: After all chances are used, the game will display the final scores and declare the winner.
The game uses basic Python libraries such as random for generating computer choices.
Libraries Used random (used for generating random choices for the computer)