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Cub3D is a 42's School project where the main goal is to make a first-person 3D representation of a maze by using raycasting.

Made by:

Final grade


Supported OS

Theoretically it should work on both Linux and MacOS, but... the keybindings and the mlx seem to differ between these OS.

So for now it only supports Linux systems.

Build prerequisites

All tools you might need to build this project:

  • make
  • build-essential
  • wget
  • xorg
  • libxext-dev
  • libbsd-dev
  • unzip


sudo apt install make build-essential wget xorg libxext-dev libbsd-dev unzip

How to build

To build the program you have just to run:


How to play

cub3D requires one argument which should be the file with texture configurations and the actual map. there are a few sample maps in assets/maps folder.


./cub3D assets/maps/small.cub

Map files

The map files follow these rules:

  • The file must have .cub extension.
  • The first part of the file defines the configuration:
    • Each element firsts information is the type identifier (composed by one or two character(s)) followed by all specific informations for each object:
      • Nord texture:
        NO <path_to_the_north_texture>
      • East texture:
        EA <path_to_the_east_texture>
      • West texture:
        WE <path_to_the_west_texture>
      • South texture:
        SO <path_to_the_south_texture>
      • Floor color (range [0,255], each value separated by comma):
        F <RED>,<GREEN>,<BLUE>
      • Ceiling color (range [0,255], each value separated by comma):
        C <RED>,<GREEN>,<BLUE>
  • The map must be composed of only 7 possible characters: 0 for an empty space, 1 for a wall, whitespace useful for creating a custom shaped maps (considered as void), and N,S,E or W for the player’s start position and spawning orientation.
  • The map must be closed/surrounded by walls.


These are the implemented keybindings:

Player Movement

  • w: Move forward
  • a: Move left
  • s: Move backwards
  • d: Move right

Camera movement

  • Up arrow: Look up
  • Down arrow: Look down
  • Left arrow: Look left
  • Right arrow: Look right


  • ESC: Quit the game

Extra features

  • Space: Jump
  • PageUp: Minimap zoom in
  • PageDown: Minimap zoom out
  • Left Shift: Sprint
  • Left Control: Squat/Crouch
  • Left Alt: Guard mode (yeah it's useless but it's beautiful)

What is it made of

The game itself is made entirely in C. The graphics library used here is a 42's wrapper for Xlib called mlx. Most crazy part is that the whole project (except for mlx) is wrote by following norminette's rules... :P