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Toxic Comment Challenge


选取这些comment的TF-IDF作为特征(这里选取的TF-IDF特征可以是words和chars的组合),然后对这些特征进行classify,或者结果。 这就需要考虑chars的选取的范围,由于内存的不足,我暂时先选择2-5这个范围。另外我们也需要考虑words的选取,我这里仅仅选取了 NB-SVM strong linear baseline当中的tokenize作为分词器, 但我认为这个分词器还是有所缺陷的。

除了使用普通的TF-IDF作为特征来训练得到classify的结果,我们还需要通过训练BI-LSTM语言模型提取语言特征进行分类训练。当中使用 GolVe,作为我们的预训练模型这能够提高我们训练的准确率。


Feature Analysis

1. Covariance

covariance pic 我们发现有以下几个是强相关的元素。

  • toxic vs obscene
  • toxic vs insult
  • insult vs obscene

2. Comments distribution

Distribution pic

我们发现大多数数据都倾斜于clean数据上面。这是极其不平衡的数据,我们需要增加一些标注数据或者复制多份数据来增加数据的数量。 其中我已经完成通过markovify来增加了标注的数据来增强TF-IDF的特征。

3. Number of sentences or words

Number of sentences or words 其实我们并没有发现这些特征并没有区分Clean和Toxic之间的差别

4. Number of Unique words

Unique words 我们发现clean数据中小于30%的评论数量相对其他toxic类别占比很少,我们认为他是一个比较好的特征

5. Number of Word Cloud

Word Cloud

Classifiers Compare

Word TF-IDF with (1, 2) and util.tokenizer

Classify Name AUC
NB-SVM 0.9829
LR 0.9820
RF 0.9059

Word TF-IDF with (1, 2) and util.tokenize_gensim

Classify Name AUC
NB-SVM 0.9800
LR 0.9812

Word TF-IDF with (1, 2) and util.self_tokenize

Classify Name AUC
NB-SVM 0.9805
LR 0.9815

Word TF-IDF with (1, 2) ,util.self_tokenize and hstack indirect

Classify Name AUC
NB-SVM 0.9562
LR 0.8582

Word TF-IDF with (1, 2), Char TF-IDF with (1, 3) and use self.self_tokenize

Classify Name AUC
NB-SVM 0.9843
LR 0.9824

Word TF-IDF with (1, 2), Char TF-IDF with (1, 4) and use self.self_tokenize

Classify Name AUC
NB-SVM 0.9842
LR 0.9823

Word TF-IDF with (1, 2), Char TF-IDF with (1, 5) and use self.self_tokenize

Classify Name AUC
NB-SVM 0.9841
LR 0.9822

在相同的word TF-IDF下,不同ngram_range值char的TF-IDF下(没有扩展评论数量和convai预测作为特征)的对比:

Classify Name\ngram_range (1, 2) (1, 3) (1, 4) (1, 5) (1, 6) (2, 5) (2, 6)
NB-SVM 0.9828+-0.0012 0.9833+-0.0010 0.9833+-0.0010 0.9832+-0.0010 0.9832+-0.0010 0.9833+-0.0009 0.9833+-0.0010
LR 0.9813+-0.0009 0.9822+-0.0008 0.9822+-0.0008 0.9822+-0.0008 0.9822+-0.0008 0.9821+-0.0007 0.9821+-0.0007

我们发现ngram_range的值为(2, 5)时,char TF-IDF特征取得的效果最好。在模型当中,我们发现NB-SVM是比较好的线性模型。


Classify Name word TF-IDF (1, 2) tokenize word TF-IDF (1, 2) tokenize_gensim word TF-IDF (1, 2) self_tokenize word TF-IDF (1, 2) self_tokenize hstack indirect
NB-SVM 0.9829 0.9800 0.9805 0.9562
LR 0.9820 0.9812 0.9815 0.8582


Deep learning

使用GloVe和FastText的word vector来训练一下的模型:

  1. BI-GRU-multi-pooling
  2. Text-CNN
  3. BI-GRU-CNN-multi-pooling 使用5-fold进行训练stacking的第一层(5-fold训练并给出train的预测结果,使用全部train sample训练并预测test的预测结果)


  • BI-LSTM with GloVe训练得到结果
  • 找出若干个较高score的classify模型作为Stacking的前模型(NB-SVM)
  • 找出适当的TF-IDF作为classify的特征
  • 通过学习conservation的数据来预测toxic_level, attack,aggression作为train数据的特征。
  • 加入人为特征作为训练特征(如:unique words,count sent等)发现效果不佳
  • 在进行Deep Learning训练时,需要文本预处理
  • stacking 所需的模型预测train结果作为第二层的训练特征
  • 使用各个模型单独预测test的结果作为第二层的训练特征
  • 使用LinearRegression作为第二层的stacking

Stacking model:

  • RNN_multipool with GloVe, Crwal pre-trained word2vec (Glove: 0.9845, Crwal: 0.9849)
  • RNN_CNN with Glove, Crwal pre-trained word2vec
  • TextCNN model with Glove, Crwal pre-trained word2vec (Glove: 0.9812, Crwal: 0.9832)
  • LR model with (1, 2) words TF-IDF and (2, 6) chars TF-IDF (0.9792)
  • LGM model with (1, 2) words TF-IDF, (1, 1) chars TF-IDF and some number features (0.9793)
  • NB-SVM model with (1, 2) words TF-IDF and the comments is extends with macdiffy (0.9781)
  • FM-FTRL model with (1, 2) words TF-IDF, (1, 3) chars TF-IDF and some number features

Full AUC score

pre_trained w2v\ model RNN_multipool RNN_CNN TextCNN
GloVe 300d 0.9883014 0.9879838 0.98492758
Crawl 300d 0.9879363 0.9875587 0.98714017
0.9857099 0.9776384 0.9827985 0.9871310

Stacking AUC score of different models

toxic severe_toxic obscene threat insult identity_hate AVG
LR 0.97903702 0.98840895 0.99045866 0.99045458 0.98299227 0.98290816 0.97763844
FM-FTRL 0.98072929 0.99025783 0.99303134 0.99000524 0.98527589 0.98348643 0.98713100
LGBM (500 round) 0.97633961 0.98752264 0.99091282 0.95177009 0.98014505 0.97914046 0.97763844
LGBM (1000 round) 0.97758161 0.98797328 0.99154957 0.98481744 0.98137710 0.97940613 0.98378419
NB-SVM extend 0.97941723 0.98460792 0.98909591 0.98820726 0.98128242 0.97418084 0.98279859
RNN_MP (GloVe) 0.98350626 0.99025138 0.99264857 0.98716431 0.98782011 0.98841825 0.98830148
RNN_MP (Crawl) 0.98312482 0.99050587 0.99282296 0.98585167 0.98762124 0.98769136 0.98793632
RNN-CNN (GloVe) 0.98288402 0.99079432 0.99256340 0.98741477 0.98736435 0.98688196 0.98798380
RNN-CNN (Crawl) 0.98332027 0.98989485 0.99266605 0.98547506 0.98734830 0.98664816 0.98755878
Text-CNN (GloVe) 0.97943479 0.98662176 0.99146882 0.98242349 0.98581685 0.98379977 0.98492758
Text-CNN (Crawl) 0.98063669 0.98909897 0.99153136 0.98896803 0.98642427 0.98618172 0.98714017
  • Toxic: RNN_MP(GloVe), RNN-CNN(Crawl), FM-FTRL, Text-CNN(Crawl)
  • Severe Toxic: RNN-CNN(GloVe), RNN_MP(Crawl), FM-FTRL, Text-CNN(Crawl)
  • Obscene: FM-FTRL, RNN-CNN(Crawl), RNN_MP(Crawl), Text-CNN(Crawl)
  • Threat: LR, FM-FTRL, NB-SVM, Text-CNN(Crawl), RNN-CNN(GloVE)
  • Insult: RNN_MP(GloVe), RNN_CNN(GloVe), Text-CNN(Crawl), FM-FTRL, LR
  • Identity_hate: RNN_MP(GloVe), RNN-CNN(GloVe), Text-CNN(Crawl), FM-FTRL, LR

The predict result of different models

Distribution pic


Kaggle - Toxic Comment Classification Challenge






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