This is my complete boilerplate for a NestJS project. Every single tool and library is free and open-source and have a large community behind it.
- API Gateway managed with [Nginx Ingress Controller](
- API scaled with HPA
- Kubernetes managed with Helm
- Logging managed with [Loki Operator](
- Metrics managed with [Prometheus Operator](
- MinIO managed with [MinIO Operator](
- Postgres managed wtih [StackGres]( a Kubernetes operator for PostgreSQL
- RabbitMQ managed with [RabbitMQ Operator](
- Redis managed with [Redis Operator](
- SSL managed with [Cert-Manager](
- Tracing managed with [Jaeger Operator](
- Visualization managed with [Grafana Operator](
- Class Transformer
- Class Validator
- Docker
- FakerJS
- GitHub Actions
- Grafana
- Helm
- Jaeger
- Jest
- Kubernetes
- Loki
- MinIO
- NestJS
- Nginx
- Pormetheus
- PostgreSQL
- Prisma
- Promtail
- RabbitMQ
- Redis
- Swagger
- UptimeKuma
- Click use this template
- Clone the repository
- Open the project in VSCode
- Reopen the project in a container