Personal Images for Development containers, feel free to use for whatever or as reference!
Build Image:
podman build . -t $USER/<toolbx-foldername>:latest
Toolbox Create:
toolbox create -c <container_name> -i $USER/<toolbx-foldername>
Now you can enter!
I've already added the SSH Server settings so you can SSH into from VSCode into the Container File.
On the same system the VSCode is installed either create a systemd service file to $HOME/.config/systemd/user/toolbox_ssh.service
Description=Launch sshd in Fedora Toolbox
ExecPre=/usr/bin/podman start <container_name>
ExecStart=/usr/bin/toolbox run sudo /usr/sbin/sshd -D
Or in a seperate terminal run:
toolbox run -c <container_name> sudo /usr/sbin/sshd -D &