Datasets need to be uploaded/called for the .ipynb files to run. ● Datasets:
- Original Dataset with no emojis a. emotions1 - emotions1.csv - For Baselines, CNN and LSTM b. emotions1 - emotions1.xlsx - For BERT and XLNET
- Dataset with Emojis as is a. Final_Emojis - emotions1.csv - For Baselines, CNN and LSTM b. Final_Emojis - emotions1.xlsx - For BERT and XLNET
- Dataset with Emojis converted to words a. Dataset_With_Emoji.csv - For Baselines, CNN and LSTM
● Models:
- Baseline Models
Both 1a and 3a should be present locally to get the output of the Baseline models with and without emojis.
a. Baselines - Baseline.ipynb 2. CNN
- Both 1a and 3a should be present locally to get the output of CNN with and without emojis. a. CNN without using word2vec - CNN with word2vec.ipynb b. CNN using word2vec - CNN with word2vec.ipynb
- The ipynb file is called LSTM.ipynb (this includes all combinations of LSTM embedding layers and is also the file that contains Word2vec+Emoji2vec on CNN) ; Files to be present locally are
- Emoji2vec.bin
- The 3 datasets mentioned above
- By default emoticons to words mapping is enabled. To disable it, comment cell 11 (apply(token_emoji_conversion) method).
- Mount the drive (helpful in saving checkpoints too) and make sure that dataset is at “/content/gdrive/My Drive/Final_Emojis - emotions1.csv” location.
- Use GPU for code execution
- Specify checkpoint directory under - OUTPUT_DIR in code a. BERT for cased - BERT_converting emoji to word_cased.ipynb; the generated probabilities are saved on the drive in a .csv file named prob_uncased.csv b. BERT for uncased - BERT_converting emoji to word_uncased.ipynb; the generated probabilities are saved on the drive in a .csv file named prob_cased.csv c. BERT(cased+uncased) - read cased and uncased csv files in variables cased_prob and uncased_prob in the code.
- Mount the drive and make sure that dataset is at the “/content/gdrive/My Drive/Final_Emojis - emotions1.csv” location.
- Specify path from which checkpoint is to be loaded in torch.load
- Use GPU for code execution
- Follow instructions specified in XLNet.pynb notebook. a. For XLNet - XLNet.ipynb