Frontend static devstack including:
- Webpack 4 a module bundler
- Hot Module Replacement (HMR) is a feature to inject updated modules into the active runtime
- Gulp a JavaScript task manager
- Babel a JavaScript compiler
- Pug a HTML template engine
- Postcss a tool for transforming CSS with JavaScript
$ git clone https://github.com/SYMBIO/static-devstack.git
$ yarn
$ yarn run dev
$ yarn run build
PostCSS plugins reference:
- PostCSS
- precss Sass-like markup in your CSS.
- sugarss Indent-based CSS syntax for PostCSS.
- cssnext Discover the future of CSS (includes autoprefixer).
- postcss-assets PostCSS Assets is an asset manager for CSS. It isolates stylesheets from environmental changes, gets image sizes and inlines files.
- postcss-sprites PostCSS plugin that generates spritesheets from your stylesheets.
- postcss-calc This plugin reduce calc() references whenever it's possible.
- cssnano A modular minifier, built on top of the PostCSS ecosystem.
- postcss-color-function PostCSS plugin to transform W3C CSS color function to more compatible CSS
postcss-sprites - sprite is generated only from .png files , if you don't want a particular file to be included in sprite (file size) , move it to the 'png-src' folder.