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A deep learning model based on Attention machinism for air quality prediction

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TFAN: Temporal-Feature correlations Attention-based Network for Urban Air Quality Prediction using Data Fusion technology

A deep learning model based on Attention machinism for air quality prediction




Air pollution raises a detrimental impact on human health and natural environment. Accurate prediction of air quality is crucial for effective pollution control and mitigation strategies. Numerous existing methods for analyzing the variation tendency of a specific air component primarily focus on its temporal and spatial information, neglecting the potential interactions between different attributes within the same time interval. In this paper, we propose a Temporal-Feature correlations Attention-based deep learning Network (TFAN), which incorporates data fusion technology. TFAN focuses on capturing temporal dependencies, feature correlations, and the potential relationship between temporal-feature through the Attention mechanism, and the data fusion method allows for a comprehensive consideration of multiple factors on prediction. Experimental results conducted using real-world data from Beijing City demonstrate that TFAN outperforms various baseline models in prediction accuracy for multiple pollutants by 10+%
Key Words:Air Quality; Time Series Prediction; Attention Mechanism; Data Fusion

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under review


The rapid development of society and cities has not only improved people's quality of life, but also caused a series of environmental issues, especially the air pollution problem. Air Pollutants such as PM2.5, NO2, CO, etc., are primarily from fossil fuel combustion, power generation, and heavy industrial production. PM2.5 was the fifth-ranking mortality risk factor in 2015. Additionally, prolonged exposure to particulate matter and NO2 can result in irreversible respiratory diseases and significantly increase the risk of death from cardiovascular conditions, thereby reducing life expectancy. Air quality prediction plays a vital role in mitigating pollution, safeguarding urban environments, and protecting human health.
However, forecasting air quality data with Geo-sensory information is challenging due to the following reasons:

  • The dynamic mutability of air quality data
  • Sensor-level intra-characteristic and external factors
  • Complex temporal correlation and unstable spatial correlation

The Example of geo-sensory multivariate time series and the illustration of dynamic interaction is as follow: Error!



Self-Attention is also used in TFAN to concentrate the timestamp dimension and the feature dimension separately. It can fully learn their respective data distributions. Moreover, we carry out the attention calculation of Temporal-Feature and Feature-Temporal after Self-Attention.
the Architecture of TFAN is as follow: Error!



  • The comparison of pollutants concentration prediction precision of various model please see in paper
  • The general fit of TFAN on six pollutants which be part of the same sample from test dataset. is as follow: Error!


import torch
from data_process.data_processer import DataProcesser    # Data preprocessing and build dataset
from utils.random_seed import setup_seed                 # set random seed
from utils.early_stop import Eearly_stop                 # early stop mechinism
from import DataLoader
import numpy as np

feature_index = {'PM2.5': 0, 'PM10': 1, 'NO2': 2, 'CO': 3, 'O3': 4, 'SO2': 5,
                'TEMP': 6, 'PRES': 7, 'humidity': 8, 'wind_speed': 9, 'weather': 10, 'WD': 11}   # feature index
DEVICE = 'cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'

# 0. experiment settings
seed_list = [30, ]                 # random seed list
seq_len_list = [168, ]             # sequence length list 
pred_len_list = [120, ]            # predicted length list
save_model_situation = [12, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, 144]    # if predicted length in this list, the save the net parameters to .pt file
scalar = True                      # do zero-mean normalization or not
EPOCH = 10000
test_interval = 1                  # test interval
update_interval = 5                # interval to update loss curve
target_feature = 'PM2.5'           # target feature name
pred_target = feature_index[target_feature]
# Hyper Parameters
d_feature = 12                     # feature numbers
d_embedding = 512                  # embedding demension
d_hidden = 512                     # hidden length
q = 8
k = 8
v = 8
h = 64
N = (2, 1)                         # (self attention encoder number, TF and FT attention encoder number)
LR = 1e-4
LR_weight = 1e-3
pe = True                          # do position encoding or not
mask = False                       # attention mask
dropout = 0.05

# 1. load data and build dataset
print('loading data...')
train_dataset = DataProcesser(scalar=scalar, seq_len=seq_len, pred_len=pred_len, dataset_type='train')  # seq_len and pred_len obtain from seq_len_list and pred_len_list
val_dataset = DataProcesser(scalar=scalar, seq_len=seq_len, pred_len=pred_len, dataset_type='val')
test_dataset = DataProcesser(scalar=scalar, seq_len=seq_len, pred_len=pred_len, dataset_type='test')
train_dataloader = DataLoader(dataset=train_dataset, batch_size=BATCHSIZE, shuffle=True)
val_dataloader = DataLoader(dataset=val_dataset, batch_size=BATCHSIZE, shuffle=False)
test_dataloader = DataLoader(dataset=test_dataset, batch_size=BATCHSIZE, shuffle=False)
if scalar:
    f_mean = standard_scalar.mean_[pred_target]            # help to reverse transform the data
    f_std = np.sqrt(standard_scalar.var_[pred_target])     # help to reverse transform the data
    f_mean = f_std = 1

# 2. initialize net and optimizer
net = OURS(seq_len=seq_len, d_feature=d_feature, d_embedding=d_embedding, d_hidden=d_hidden, pred_len=pred_len,
                   q=q,k=k, v=v, h=h, N=N, pe=pe, mask=mask, dropout=dropout).to(DEVICE)
early_stop = Eearly_stop(patience=10, save_model_flag=save_model_flag)
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([{'params': net.input_time.parameters()},
                                      {'params': net.input_feature.parameters()},
                                      {'params': net.encoder_time.parameters()},
                                      {'params': net.encoder_TF.parameters()},
                                      {'params': net.encoder_FT.parameters()},
                                      {'params': net.output.output_time.parameters()},
                                      {'params': net.output.output_time_feature.parameters()},
                                      {'params': net.output.weight, 'lr': LR_weight}], lr=LR)
loss_func = torch.nn.L1Loss(reduction='sum')   

# 3. train and test
Please look the .py files for more details


  title={An overview of air quality analysis by big data techniques: Monitoring, forecasting, and traceability},
  author={ Huang, W.  and  Li, T.  and  Liu, J.  and  Xie, P.  and  Teng, F. },
  journal={Information Fusion},
  title={Deep Air Learning: Interpolation, Prediction, and Feature Analysis of Fine-Grained Air Quality},
  author={Zhongang and Qi and Tianchun and Wang and Guojie and Song and Weisong and Hu and Xi and Li and },
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering},
  title={Forecasting Fine-Grained Air Quality Based on Big Data},
  author={ Yu, Z.  and  Yi, X.  and  Ming, L.  and  Li, R.  and  Shan, Z. },
  booktitle={the 21th ACM SIGKDD International Conference},


A deep learning model based on Attention machinism for air quality prediction






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