ACT: Improving Software FAIRness and Reproducibility with Automated Containerization of GitHub Repositories
Improving the findability, accessibility, interoperability and reusability is a key component in moving towards greater reproducibility in computational biomedical research. For the past six years, NCBI Codeathons (formerly NCBI Hackathons) have generated more than 300 computational tools and software packages in its GitHub repositories. As the number of repositories increases, it has become more challenging to find, access, use and reuse these very useful tools.
In this project, we developed Automated Containerization Tool (ACT) to automatically create a Dockerfile or a Docker image for R- and Python-based repositories using an open-source tool Dockta, which also leverages standard vocabularies to enable greater discoverability of these tools. Containerization is the process to package software code along with all the dependencies needed to run that code allowing that application to be deployed reproducibly on any platform. By encapsulating the entire analytical environment using containers, ACT can be implemented for any individual or organizational GitHub repositories to further improve the findability, accessibility, itneroperability, and reusability of these tools.
There are three ways to install and run ACT. ACT has a pre-built Docker image on Docker Hub. Using the ACT Docker image is the simplest way to run ACT — you need only Docker Engine installed on your computer.
Please follow the instructions on the Docker website to install Docker Engine.
$ docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v `pwd`:/data2 nciccbr/strides_act:v1.1.0 act build --repo-url --img-name ccbr_aasap --output /data2/AAsap
2. Build a Docker image locally using the Dockerfile provided in this repository. A local docker image can be built using the provided Dockerfile. You will need to install Docker Engine on your computer to build a Docker image.
Once you have a local copy of the Dockerfile and you have Docker Engine installed, you can build the docker image like this:
$ docker build -f Dockerfile --no-cache -t strides_act .
If all goes well, you should be able to list the Docker image strides_act using:
$ docker image ls
strides_act <none> 32f43784742c 22 minutes ago 1.08GB
3. As an alternative, if you wish to install a local copy of ACT, then you can run this script in our repository. We highly recommend using our Docker image, as described above, for running ACT.
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
sudo npm install --global @stencila/dockta
sudo apt install python3.8
git clone
Get ACT help using ./act -h
$ act --help
Automated Containerization Tool (ACT v1.0.0)
usage: act [-h] [--version] {build,push} ...
ACT: Automated GitHub Containerization Tool
positional arguments:
{build,push} List of available sub-commands
build Creates Dockerfile and builds Docker image.
push Push local Docker image to a Registry
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
./act build --repo-url --img-name docker_image_name_lower_case --output ~/OUTPUT/DIRECTORY
- A GitHub URL:
- Dockerfile:
- Docker image file:
- Docker image files can be listed by the Docker
command:docker image ls
- Docker image files can be listed by the Docker
You can get detailed help about act build
arguments using ./act build -h
Automated Containerization Tool (ACT v1.0.0)
usage: act build [-h] [--skip-build]
[--base-img BASE_IMG]
--repo-url REPO_URL
--img-name IMG_NAME
--output OUTPUT
Creates a Dockerfile for a Github repository and builds the
local Docker image. Please see the push sub command to push
a local image to a Docker Registry. The build sub command
takes a Github URL and a output directory to clone the Github
required arguments:
--repo-url REPO_URL URL of the Github repository to build
an Docker image.
--img-name IMG_NAME Name of the local docker image to be
built. This image name can be provided
to the push sub command to push the
image to a Docker Registry.
--output OUTPUT Path to an output directory. This
path is where ACT will clone the
Github repository and create the
Dockerfile. If the provided output
directory does not exist, it will
be created automatically.
After the build sub command completes,
a Dockerfile will be created in the
user provided output directory and a
local Docker image will be built.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--skip-build Only create a Dockerfile, skips docker build.
--base-img BASE_IMG Base image to use in the Dockerfile,
--use-dockta-reqs Use dockta generated ".requirements.txt" file.
# Step 1.) Create Dockerfile and build the docker image.
act build --repo-url \
--img-name ccbr_aasap \
--output /home/$USER/scratch/
$ ./act push --img-name docker_image_name_lower_case --registry DockerHub_UserName_OR_OrganizationName
You can get detailed help about act push
arguments using ./act push -h
$ ./act push --help
Automated Containerization Tool (ACT v1.0.0)
usage: act push [-h] [--tag TAG]
--img-name IMG_NAME
--registry REGISTRY
Pushes a local docker image to a Docker registry. Please
see the build sub command to for information on how to build
a local Docker image. The push sub command takes the name of
a local image, a Docker registry prefix, and a optional tag
to tag and push an image to a registry like Dockerhub.
required arguments:
--img-name IMG_NAME Name of the local docker image to be
pushed to a Docker registry. This image
name was defined via the '--img-name'
option of the build sub command.
Please see the build sub command
for more information.
--registry REGISTRY Docker registry prefix. If pushing
an image to a user account on DockerHub,
this will be the user's DockerHub username.
If push to a org account, this will be the
name of the Dockerhub organization.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--tag TAG Tag for Docker image, defaults to latest.
# Step 1.) Push local docker image to DockerHub.
act push --img-name ccbr_aasap \
--registry nciccbr \
--tag v1.0.0
- Steve Tsang
- Skyler Kuhn
- Vishal Koparde
- Austin J. Szuminsky
- Alec Peltekian
- Jason Xie
- Kimia Samieinejad