A demo of the Jasmine BDD framework for JavaScript using Conway's game of life
Originally prepared for the STLJS meetup on 2014-01-16
Slides for presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ASDGgdkzKuJ7Epwzf0T3M1Mw-jXhlH5NRIqyFKa31Pk/edit?usp=sharing Original Meetup: http://www.meetup.com/STL-JS-meetup/events/149993482/
0-Jasmine - Basic Jasmine demo 1-Disemvowler - Live code demo of Jasmine 2-Matchers - Examples of equivalence expectations in Jasmine 3-Life - Unit Tested version of the COnway's Game of Life algorithm 5-Async examples of unit testing async functions