🎓 ITM Student at SeoulTech | 🌱 Learning Full-Stack Development | 🚀 Open Source Enthusiast
- 💻 Languages: Java, Python, JavaScript
- 🌐 Frameworks & Libraries: Spring Boot, Django, React
- 🛢️ Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL
- ⚙️ Tools & Platforms: Git, GitHub, Docker
- Tech Stack: React, Django, PostgreSQL
- Summary: A data visualization tool for business analytics.
- Tech Stack: Pygame, Python
- Summary: A simple avoider game built with Pygame.
- 📧 Email: [email protected]
- 💼 LinkedIn: Your LinkedIn Profile
- 🌐 Portfolio: yourportfolio.com
"Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand." – Martin Fowler