You and your team are tasked with building out the following project in this coming section. In this repository, you will find the starter code necesary to get started with the project.
Below are some overview to help guide you with what is expected
You and your team are tasked to build our your interpritation of a basic, working Note taker. To track, save, view and edit individual notes.
We suggest the following features to be incorporated into your app:
- A place to save title, date and content of each note.
- Have a list of note titles, and allow uses to select which note to view
- Add or delete notes to the existing list
- Editting and saving of notes after initial creation
- Persist notes through different sessions utilizing local storage
- Main Page to hold all your components in place
- Note List which can be used to display a summary of all saved notes
- Note Detail which can be used to deplay the details of all your list or be used as an editing tool
In here you will find the following provided for you already:
- A suggested file structure for you to start your project
- A boiler plate context boiler plate and reducer to help your set up
- Reference solutions for you to look at commited into different branches
Only proceed with this if you have completed the above and are looking for further challenges!
Explore packages such as to see if you can integrate what is known as a Rich Text Editor into this application!
Base Reference:
More Comfortable Refernce: