This study group is dedicated to individuals interested in delving deep into the study of operating systems, including computer science students, developers, and system administrators. Based on the book "Operating System Concepts," our goal is to understand the fundamental concepts and principles of operating systems and explore their real-world applications.
The study group will cover the following topics:
- Overview and role of operating systems
- Process management and scheduling
- Memory management and virtual memory
- File system management
- Input/output systems
- Synchronization and deadlock
- Networking and security
The study group will meet regularly at every day, and sessions will involve theoretical learning, practical exercises, and discussions.
To participate in the study group, please follow these steps:
- Fork this repository.
- Clone the forked repository to your local machine
- Solve the problems and submit your solutions.
- Engage in discussions and code reviews during the study sessions.
Operating System Concepts, 10th Edition - Authored by Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin, Greg Gagne, this book provides clear explanations and examples to gain a fundamental understanding of operating system concepts.