Electrical hardware of data acquisition and control system of Identity-II rocket
- Data Acquisition
- Altitude measurement via BMP280
- 3-Axis Accelerometer, 3-Axis Gyroscope, 3-Axis Magnetometer reads data in every cycle
- System time is recorded with the data
- All the data measurements are taken in every 5-7 ms
- Raspberry Pi camera module saves the recorded image automatically after the power is on
- Communication
- Zigbee communication is tested to reach 1000m without severe interference
- Baud rate of 38400 is used for serial communication with the XBee module; At higher rate, some Arduino chips are not able to handle the speed of the signal alternation
- Rocket status code along with the current altitude and time is sent via Zigbee channel
- Control
- Drogue parachute ejection at the peak altitude; Simple peak detection
- Main parachute ejection in two modes
- Relative altitude mode (Max. Alt. < 390m): Main parachute ejection at "alt. = max. alt. - 70m"
- Absolute altitude mode (Max. Alt. > 390m): Main parachute ejection at "alt. = 320m"
- Others
- Additional 6 analog pins of Arduino Micro core can be reachable at the back of the core module
- Li-Po battery 3.7V, minimum 2000 mAh (x3)
- Buck converter 5V output, minimum 2A (x1)
- Arduino Micro (x1)
- Digi XBee-Pro (x1)
- MicroSD card adapter (x1) (You may use other boards)
- GY-91 IMU sensor (x1)
- L293B (x1)
- Raspberry Pi 3 or high (x1)
- PiCamera for RPi (x1)
- Power switch (x1)
- Some terminal blocks
- Some hexagonal supporters, 3-phi
- Arduino source code ()
- Data decoder code ()
There are three PCB layers with additional battery mount assembled in the following order:
power module
core module
imu module
RPi Camera and Power button mount
Jaerin Lee
Lead Electronics and Software Developer
SNU Rocket Team Hanaro
Documented with KiCAD version 5.0.0