v0.2 more user friendly than ever.
My goal with this project is to create the same program the Twitch channel "Twitch Plays Pokemon" uses, I'm about there!
- Python 3.3.4 64 bit / 32 bit
- PyWin32 64 bit / 32 bit
- If you have any dll related issues make sure you're using the right version!
- VisualBoyAdvance Set gbc files to open with this by default
- Download and extract the bot
Keybindings for Visual Boy Advance (turn numb-lock on):
A: z
B: x
Start: enter
Select: backspace
Up: Numpad 8
Right: Numpad 6
Down: Numpad 2
Left: Numpad 4
- Put your .gbc (game file) into the game folder
- Remove the text document from the game folder
- Double click on Launch.py
- The bot will walk you through first-time configuration
Still having trouble? Check out the How-To Video