This python script is an application to companion Spaceport . Once configured the script will listen on the Spaceport MQTT and create slack notifications in a channel of your choice when Spaceport posts notifications to MQTT.
Install the required package dependancies contained within requirements.txt, the suggested method being with pip:
# pip install -r requirements.txt
Register an application with slack here and record the client secret. Update the user configuration values in :
- SLACKBOT_TOKEN = The client secret from slack application registration
- SLACK_CHANNEL = The channel you would like slackbot to run in
- BROKER_ADDRESS = The IP address (or FQDN) of the MQTT server Spaceport is pushing messages to (often localhost)
- TOPIC = The MQTT topic Spaceport messages are pushed to.
Once the above items are configured is ready to be run, it can be run by simply calling python
, but it is more robust to be run as a monitored service.
Below is a systemd unit file for running the slack bot. It relies on the script being in the directory /usr/bin/spaceportslackbot/ and a user named spaceport existing on the system with execute permissions on the file /usr/bin/spaceportslackbot/
Description=Spaceport Slackbot
ExecStart=/bin/python /usr/bin/spaceportslackbot/
More information on Spaceport can be found in the Spaceport repo.