#SFW's Technology Radar.
Inspired by the ThoughtWorks Tech Radar: http://www.thoughtworks.com/radar/. Forked from @bdargan's implementation, after reading the post here http://nealford.com/memeagora/2013/05/28/build_your_own_technology_radar.html
The latest radar and reports can be found at https://sfwltd.github.io/techradar/
This Technology Radar has pretty simple functionality, uses json data source and renders SVG within html.
The data currently is provided in a radial format. I chose this and SVG, for the scalable properties. In practice, a table based structure, that automatically lays out the points could be more useful.
Eg. {name:'Cool Tech', r:50, t:30} Appears in the Top Right Quadrant, in the inner most "Adopt" Sector.
Eg. {name:'Bright Shiny Toy 5', r:390, t:30} Appears in the Top Right Quadrant, in the outer most "Hold" Sector.
Appears in the Lower Left Quadrant, in the second "Trial" Sector.
Where r = radius, and t = theta; the degrees in radians. with 0/360 degrees being the typical right hand x line rotating in an anti-clockwise direction.
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polar_coordinates for more details.