Allows you to import data from DWD weather stations with a 10-minute resolution. If configured in that way, historic and recent data will be imported first. Afterwards, the latest data will be imported every 30 minutes.
Outputs may contain the value -999 to indicate invalid or missing data.
- pressure (float): barometric pressure at station height
- temperature_2m (float): temperature in 2 m height
- temperature_5cm (float): temperature in 5 cm height
- rel_humidity_2m (float): relative humidity in 2 m height
- dew_point_2m (float): dew point in 2 m height
- meta (Object):
- quality_level (int): DWD quality level, see explanation
- name (string): station name
- id (string): station id
- lat (float): station latitude
- long (float): station longitude
- height (float): station height
- pressure_unit (string): Unit of pressure measurement (hpa)
- temperature_2m_unit (string): Unit of temperature_2m_unit measurement (°C)
- temperature_5cm_unit (string): Unit of temperature_5cm_unit measurement (°C)
- rel_humidity_2m_unit (string): Unit of rel_humidity_2m_unit measurement (%)
- dew_point_2m_unit (string): Unit of dew_point_2m_unit measurement (°C)
- BBOXES (List): You can chain multiple bounding boxes to import multiple areas of interest. Make sure to choose these big enough to include at least one DWD station!
You may use a tool like this to simplify the creation of these boxes.
A map of all DWD stations is available here.
If not set, data of all stations will be imported. No default value available.
- Element (List of 4 floats): a bounding box in epsg 4326 projection, for example [12.178688,51.247304,12.572479,51.439885] covers parts of Leipzig.
- HISTORIC (bool): If true, all available historic data will be imported. Default: false
- RECENT (bool): If true, all recent data, will be imported. Default: false
This tool uses publicly available data provided by Deutscher Wetterdienst.