Simplifies deployment and management of short-lived openstreetmap instances for localized data gathering projects.
Developed in support of SEL's electrification access initiatives.
Builds are currently based on our fork of openstreetmap-website (aka "gridmaps").
Experience with Docker is a prerequisite.
To deploy to a host for a data collection effort:
- Setup a linux server (make sure it's secure)
- install docker (if not using an image with docker preinstalled)
- install docker-compose via instructions here
- start docker if not done (depends on your system, but something like
service start docker
should work)
- clone this repo onto that server and cd into the clone dir
git clone
cd osm-devops
- copy example.application.yml to application.yml (this will be added as a volume to osm config dir)
- edit any necessary params
- Email related (mail* and email*) using a gmail email and their smtp service works
- NOTE: signup/registration will not happen properly without setting up a working mail server and account
copy example.database.yml to database.yml
- Run the database and server in the background:
docker-compose up -d gridmaps-cgimap
- Navigate to the url you setup for your server (OSM will be running on port 80)
- Login to the admin account with user/password admin/admin
- CHANGE THE PASSWORD for the admin account!
- Users should register via the "Sign Up" link
- Manage users as appropriate via UI at
+-- host | +-- docker-compose | | +-- db (docker container) | | | +-- postgresql | | | +-- osm tile library functions | | +-- gridmaps [web server] (docker container) | | | +-- nginx | | | +-- rails | | | +-- cgimap
docker-compose is configured to map traffic on port from the host to the gridmaps container.
Dockerfiles for the images are maintained in sub-folders.
You can build all images from the parent dir via:
docker build -t selcolumbia/osm-db ./db
docker build -t selcolumbia/osm-gridmaps ./server
docker build -t selcolumbia/osm-gridmaps-cgimap ./server-cgimap
docker build -t selcolumbia/osm-gridmaps-dev ./server-dev
Development for the openstreetmap-website fork should be done in the SEL-Columbia/openstreetmap-website repository.
: should be synchronized with upstream openstreetmap/openstreetmap-website regularly (fork changes are not applied here)gridmaps
: "production" SEL openstreetmap-website fork. This should be deployable at all times. Nothing untested should make it in here.gridmaps-<branch>
: Any changes to fork code to be merged in a pull-request to gridmapsgridmaps-<deployment>
: Any prior deployments in case bug fixes need to be made
Use a simple feature-branch workflow.
Since the gridmaps branch contains our SEL-specific customizations, we should use it to create feature branches from.
That said, regular synchronization with upstream/master should be done since the OSM folks are constantly improving things.
YMMV, but one approach to doing this is:
- update master from upstream
git fetch upstream
git checkout master
git merge upstream/master
- create gridmaps-feature branch with latest from upstream + SEL customizations
git checkout gridmaps
git checkout -b gridmaps-feature
git merge master
- Once changes have been tested, issue PR to merge
into gridmaps branch
Testing can be done via docker-compose.
- Checkout the branch you want to test
- Update the
service in docker-compose.yml to refer to your local checkout of openstreetmap-website. - Bring up the services via:
docker-compose run dev bash
- At the prompt, navigate to your mounted source dir and run the tests:
cd /src/openstreetmap-website
bundle install
rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test
rake test
Note that you can save time with the bundle install step if you commit a working image with appropriate gems installed
- You can test the gridmaps or gridmaps-cgimap image via:
docker-compose run gridmaps bash -c "cd /home/app/openstreetmap-website; cp /tmp/application.yml config/application.yml; rake test test/models/trace_test.rb"
Note the need to copy the /tmp/application.yml file into the config dir in order for tests to pass
Backups are currently ad-hoc.
- Backup the osm-db container's osm db (sql dump that clears existing entities first):
docker exec -t root_db_1 pg_dump -d osm -U postgres -c > backup/osm_dump.sql
- Populate/Restore an osm-db container's osm db via the dump (change -d osm to osm_dev for development):
cat osm_dump.sql | docker exec -i osmdevops_db_1 psql -U postgres -d osm