A conversion of the Pyomo workshop into a jupyter book
Find the companion website here
Ensure you've opened the directory of the jupyter-book as the working directory. You should have a _config.yml and _toc.yml file in this directory. Make sure you're in a virtual environment. Install jupyter-book is using:
pip install jupyter-book
jupyter-book build ./
to build the current working directory into a jupyter-book.
The html is in the folder _build\html\
and you can preview the book by opening the file _build\html\index.html
in your browser, using VSCode's preview functionality (recommended), or running a the file via a browser executable in command line.
Following this, to deploy your build to the github page, we will be using the ghp-import
Install using pip install ghp-import
Now run ghp-import -n -p -f -b BRANCHNAME _build/html
NOTE: This is a destructive action. It will overwrite any branch named BRANCHNAME and assume it is 100% derivative
The -b tag should be followed by the branch which you wish to deploy the html to. By default it is gh-pages. If you're wishing to non-destructively test a local build, push to a separate branch name, and change the branch referenced for the github page in the settings, allowing for a quick revert to the gh-pages branch.
The -n tag indicates building without Jekyll
The -p and -f tags indicate force pushing this branch after committing it.