This project implements an A3C reinforcement learning agent to build bases and gather resources as quickly as possible using a restricted action space. The project fulfills the requirements of Senior Design (CSC465) at South Dakota School of Mines and Technology.
This project requires the following python libraries:
Our project is based on greentfrapp/pysc2-RLagents, an implementation of A3C to which uses AtariNet in the way described in the DeepMind SC2LE paper to solve the suite of standard PySC2 minigames. The corresponding blog post can be found here.
The pysc2-RLagents implementation was based on a wonderful reinforcement learning tutorial by Arthur Juliani on We also studied Chris' repo which uses a synchronus version of the Advantage Actor-Critic algorithm (A2C), as well as DQN.
The test is located in the following folder inside this project directory:
At it's simplest the model environment can be used like this, with plenty of other options for experimental purposes.
$ python tests/sc2_ez_env/ --train
Running workers...
$ python tests/sc2_ez_env/ --help
usage: [-h] [--train | --test] [--logdir DIRNAME | --gendir]
[--seed SEED | --seed_range LOWER UPPER]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--train If specified, no checkpoint will be loaded, and a new
model will be created. (Default: True)
--test If specified, a checkpoint will be loaded from
logdir/model if it exists. (Default: False)
--logdir DIRNAME If specified, the model and training metrics will be
loaded or stored in this location. (Default: 'workers')
--gendir If specified, the logdir will be set to
'test_YYYYmmddHHMMSS' (Default: False)
If specified, the program will spin up several
experiments with different hyper parameters, based on
the seed_range. (Default: False)
--seed SEED If a hyper parameter search is performed, and a
seed_range is not specified, a single run will occur
with the hyper parameters corresponding to that seed.
The seed is appended to logdir. (Default: 0)
--seed_range LOWER UPPER
The range of seeds to use during the hyper parameter
search, the seed is appended to logdir. (Default:
TensorFlow comes with a great tool for visualizing machine learning models constructed with their library called TensorBoard. It can be used to monitor training for the SC2 Model environment with:
$ tensorboard --logdir=DIRNAME
TensorBoard 1.7.0 at http://localhost:6006 (Press CTRL+C to quit)
Following the given link will bring up a page like:
A visualization of the TensorFlow graph for our implementation is available under the Graphs
tab in the user interface.
The main project code will not work in it's current state
Once you have downloaded our custom map and placed it the proper directory in StarCraft II/Maps/resource_gather
can run the following command from the project directory. See adding a map for more details on how
to add custom maps to the project.
path_to_repo/ResourceGather/ --train
Running GrubbyAI...
Further optional parameters can also be specified to configure the agent, environment, and map or mini-game that you'd like to train on.
path_to_repo/ResourceGather/ --help
--This feature is in development--
In order to define a smaller, high level action space for StarCraft II, we needed to pull in some of the raw game data provided through the s2client-proto to make coding these compound actions easier. There is also important difficult to learn information that we do not think an agent can learn without a much more controlled training procedure.