We decided to deprecate and stop the development of this repository as it was replaced by the feature rich new SAP Leonardo IoT SDK. Please follow the migration guide which provides step by step guidance adapting your existing project to the new SDK solution.
Table of Contents
- Description
- Requirements
- Download and Installation
- Known Issues
- How to obtain support
- Contributing
- To-Do (upcoming changes)
- License
A Node.js package that acts as a thin wrapper over the API of SAP IoT Application Enablement (SAP IoT AE).
Expected SAP software:
- SAP IoT Application Enablement
Other requirements:
The following guide helps you to create a simple node-application which accesses data stored in SAP IoT AE.
1. Generate a node.js application:
Create a new folder called node-wrapper-demo
. Start the command prompt in this folder, execute npm init
and follow the instructions. When finished you should find a file called package.json
in the folder.
2. Install the NodeWrapper:
Next, we add the NodeWrapper as a dependency to our node-application. For this purpose, add the following section to the package.json
"dependencies": {
"iot-application-services-sdk-nodejs": "SAP/iot-application-services-sdk-nodejs"
Afterwards, go back to your command promit and execute npm install
. This will install all dependencies specified in the package.json
3. Configuration:
Next, we have to configure our NodeWrapper. Add a file called .env
to the root of our project and add the following content:
AE_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID=<your client-id goes here>
AE_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET=<your client-secret goes here>
4. Usage:
Now we create the main part of our application, which calls the API of SAP IoT AE. Create a file called index.js
in the root of the project. Copy and paste the following code to this file:
const AE = require('iot-application-services-sdk-nodejs');
const client = new AE();
async function main() {
// set the base url
client.setBaseUrl('appiot-mds'); // 'appiot-mds' = the app of the API we will use in the following
// request the things
let responseBody;
try {
responseBody = await client.request('/Things');
} catch (err) {
console.log(responseBody); // will print all things on the console
main() // start the app
Now you can start the application. Enjoy!
Hint: If you would like to see what is happening in the background, you can enable the logging to console via
set DEBUG=ae_nodewrapper:*
Please create an issue within this GitHub repsitory.
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
Lint and test your code using npm test
We use Semantic Versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Refactoring
- Send GET requests by just passing the url
- Support extrem parallelization
- TypeScript
- Streaming
Copyright (c) 2017 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
This file is licensed under the Apache Software License, v. 2 except as noted otherwise in the LICENSE file.