This application's primary purpose is to manage Customers and Appointments.
This is a global use application. It can run in any timezone, and will present all text in either French or English depending on local zone.
All times and dates are displayed in local user time, and stored in UTC.
Customers Tab
- Customers can be viewed, updated, added, and deleted
Appointments Tab
- Appointments can be viewed, updated, added, and deleted
- Appointments must be within 8am-10pm EST
- Appointments cannot overlap with any of the associated customers appointments
Schedules Tab
- Each Contacts appointments can be viewed by selecting the Contacts name from the dropdown
- The contacts appointments will then appear in the table
Reports Tab
- Reports are generated breaking down the appointments
- Number of appointments per user
- Number of appointments per appointment type
- Number of appointments per month
IDE: IntelliJ IDEA 2020.3.4 (Community Edition)
Project SDK: Amazon Corretto version 11.0.8
JavaFX: JavaFX SDK 11.0.2
MySQL Connector: MySQL Connector Java 8.0.27
git clone
or download the code from this repo- Download Java
- Download JavaFX 11.0.2
- Download MySQL Connector
- Update DB credentials in Controllers.Helper
- Run Application through IDE